• Vaxxed Overtaking Unvaxxed in Hospital Deaths

    Data Link in pic

    We can see that in the 30-59 age range that the percent of vaxxed vs unvaxxed dying in hospital are virtually identical. And if you are over 80, your chances of dying is the hospital are greater if vaxxed.

    A new Norwegian study has found the same.

    From here

    What does this mean?

    You precious Deathjab does not work. If you factor in the vax deaths and severe damage, you are far worse off taking the modification vs remaining pureblooded.

  • Failing Modifications

    Beta testers are not happy.

    The much vaunted ‘Dr.’ Fouci, or as we call him, Dr. Death is now admitting that ‘breakthrough’ covid cases are showing up in such alarming numbers that it is hard for them to hide the data at this point. Don’t get him wrong, they are still doing all they can to suppress the data, but when your vaxxed family, friends and neighbours keep ending up in the hospital … well, that’s hard to hide.

    On Nov. 12, White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, went on The New York Times‘ podcast The Daily to discuss the current state of the coronavirus in the U.S. According to Fauci, officials are now starting [only now??] to see some [some? Infection rates in their skewed data is 50/50] waning immunity against both infection and hospitalization several months after initial vaccination. The infectious disease expert pointed toward incoming data from Israel, [he’s only looking at Israeli data now??] which he noted tends to be about a month to a month and a half ahead of us in terms of the outbreak.

    “They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, [meaning modified people are dying … which you won’t see on your evening news for some reason] which is starting to now involve all age groups. [why is it involving all age groups in vaxxed people??] It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said. “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”

    From Yahoo. Bolded points in square brackets are mine.

    What is Dr. Death’s answer to the vax not working?

    More vax. ‘Booster’ shots. (We didn’t destroy your life completely with the 1st two shots … can we try again?)

    If you took the deathjab to begin with, I already suspect you have diminished mental capacity. If you take a booster shot of something that does not work, you are a straight up idiot.

    I’ve been avoiding the vaxxed for a while now. I just find them so … blind. Many behave like they are on mute or like they are wading through deep water all the time. They just seem dim and slow rather than alive and vibrant to me. It’s hard to describe. On the other hand, my PureBlooded friends = we’ve been having a great time! It’s been liberating to be around people who don’t believe every bit of mainstream news, who naturally think outside the box and who are willing to stand for what they believe.

    I would hope to see more people moving away from the modifications, but I suspect this won’t happen. It appears that when you turn your very health and wellbeing over to people like Dr. Death, that it is hard to escape the blindness that inevitably follows.

    The modified will continue to modify in fear.

    The purebloods will continue to move in new directions, building new systems and creating life and lives worth living.

  • Roussin vs God

    Today, Manitoba’s ‘top doc,’ the satanically driven Brent Roussin decided to turn his attention on Christs’ Church and on the innocent Children.

    Churches in Health South are now not allowed to have more than 25 people attend services if even 1 of those is unvaxxed. (Health South is where the Christians are.) He also decided that children between the ages of 12 and 17 must show proof of at least one deathjab or a recent neg test or be banned from organized sport.

    The Church and the Children. Let’s see how God views these two groups of people:

    Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

    Eph 5:25

    But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

    Luke 18:16

    Roussin has chosen two of the Lord’s most favored people here on earth as his current target. This will not end well. As Christians we cannot accept man’s ‘laws’ when they are in direct opposition to God and His laws. If nothing else, this announcement must open the eyes of Christians everywhere. Stop the lukewarm attitude of complacency and acceptance that Christ NEVER requested of you. He told us to ‘be the salt and the light!’ (Matt 5:13-16.) We must recognize the evil that is directly confronting us and reject it. We must not stop attending church. We must not allow our children to be pawns in his life and death game.

    Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    James 4:7

    We don’t scream, fight or become vigilantes, but with quiet firm determination, deny Roussin and his evil minions … come what may.

    Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    1 John 4:4
  • Covid Vax Into The Food Supply

    If you really needed another push to grow your own food … how about this one.

    From Gateway Pundit

    We knew the blood supply was going to be contaminated, but I didn’t imagine they would begin to contaminate the food supply.

    University of California

    The picture used in both articles above was so perfect, I decided to include in here. Would not be surprised if the pic was from Wuhan and funded by Fauci.

    Scientists test the solution, Chemical inspection, Check freshness at organic, hydroponic farm.
  • Salvation Army – Unvaxxed Need Not Apply

    From Twitter

    How the Salvation Army went from following Jesus who turned none away, to only accepting state approved and modified people is beyond me. What Scripture can they use to back this move? (They are a church modeled on a group of people who’s primary job is to kill other people … so maybe I should not be so surprised.)

    Churches who cannot see the similarities between The Vax and The Mark will be the ones pushing The Mark in the future. (The Vax is not the Mark of the Beast … yet.) While covid and the vax seem to be a dry run for Satan, it is also bringing to light those who are susceptible to obeying man rather than God. It’s very much a dry run for separating the wheat from the tares. We need to be observers of those we associate with. Will you be with those gathered into the barn, or will you be bundled up with those who are destined for destruction? Are you hanging with the oil carrying prepper virgins or those who hope others will carry them. These are serious times for Christians.

    I expect we will shortly have some reprieve from the enemy as they pull back and review the results of their attack on humanity. This pulling back will be seen by some as a victory. Don’t be fooled. Don’t become complacent. It should be seen as a bubble of time to further build up your defenses … both physical and spiritual.

  • Breakthrough Covid Cases – How Did This Happen?

    Short answer?

    Your ‘vax’ does not work.

    From Canada’s State Owned Broadcaster … CBC

    One after another, fully ‘vaxxed’ people are getting sick and dying. I put ‘vaxxed’ in quotes because if the vaccine really worked, people would not be getting sick … or dying in large numbers. How long can they hide it before the average person begins to realize they’ve been bamboozled and the vax is not an effective strategy to combat the ChinaFlu.

    We often heard how Polio, Small Pox and Measles have been virtually eliminated from the world through the use of vaccines. The major difference between those vax programs and the Covid deathjab is that … they actually worked. (Yes, I know some of my readers have conspiracy theories as to why they worked, but lets assume for a moment they actually did what they say they did.)

    Back to Covid.

    Here in Manitoba, those of us who are dirty (unvaxxed) are not allowed to play hockey in facilities that we pay for. We are not allowed to attend sporting events, or coach or watch our kids play high school sports. We are kept away from the ‘healthy’ vaxxed people … except … it’s all a lie.

    The vaxxed are getting sick … and dying. And it’s not because the unwashed have spread Covid. These ‘breakthrough’ infections are coming from their very own vaxxed flocks. They are spreading The Cough among themselves. They are infecting each other without any help from the ‘dangerous’ unwashed and unvaxxed.

    So why the segregation? Why are they allowed to play sports (and subsequently die,) while the unvaxxed are not allowed the same privilege?

    Is is really about health? Obviously not if ‘vaxxed’ people are dying. So what is going on???

    “I’m still trying to figure out how this all sort of happened.”

    Yes. Let’s ‘figure out’ what is happening.

    14 people from that game (or league … the story is purposely ambiguous on that point) all got sick from playing hockey. Garry died.

    Why did he have to die? Was it because he felt safe after the DeathJab? Was he in some way susceptible to the flu? They said he did not have underlying conditions, but then he had a massive stroke. Is that just something that happens with 75 yr olds who get sick? These are all questions that need to be answered.

    But more than these, why did he get a deadly case of the Covids if he was ‘vaxxed?’

    If the vax works, why are The Modified still getting sick and dying.

    It’s all a lie.

  • I Normally Don’t Agree With Noam Chomsky

    … but in this case I’ll make an exception.

    From National Post

    What Noam does not understand is that this is what many Purebloods want too. Just to be left alone.

    He goes one step further and also says we should not be allowed to buy food:

    Speaking on YouTube’s Primo Radical on Oct. 24, Chomsky said that for the unvaccinated people who are segregated from society, how they obtain groceries should be left up to them. “How can we get food to them?” asked Chomsky. “Well, that’s actually their problem.”

    I’m OK with this too as long as he does not expect us to continue feeding him.

    Make no mistake, the producers of the world are for the greater part unvaxxed. The consumers (parasites like Noam) need us to continue to feeding them or they would die. I’ve noticed this is my business as a tradesman. People who would deny me any participation in society are very demanding that I continue to make sure they are comfortable and taken care of through my knowledge and trade.

    The delusion on the left is very strong. They believe that they would survive if the Purebloods withdrew from society. Sounds like a great experiment. Count me in.

  • Leaders Proud of Creating a 2 Tier System

    From Twitter

    It is refreshing to see the Modified leaders admitting that they have purposely created two classes of citizens. Makes it much easier to both reject them and create something new.

    Most of the leaders are still pretending that they haven’t done the unthinkable and created a two tier system for their citizens. The Satanic PM of New Zealand has no such qualms. That is the face of evil right there.

    How do we respond to this? Easy. Accept the 2 tier system and make our tier the Godly, wholesome and healthy one. We don’t need their multiple genders. We don’t need special pronouns. We don’t need their mainstream news or their Pedowood movies.

    Hopefully those on the fence who still think they want to be part of Satans system will realize that ‘they’ don’t want us … and it’s OK to move on and build something new. Build something wholesome and long lasting. Something that is built on both quality and longevity. We are BY FAR in the best tier and we all know who wins the battle in the end!

  • Modern vs Quality

    One of these stoves comes with a 1 year warranty and will likely require at least 1 major repair within 5 years.

    The other one you could warranty for 100 yrs and not have a single claim.

    Inspired by AJP Tweet

  • When the Vaxxed Realize That the Gov Controls Them Too

    From Twitter

    If I had a dime for every time I heard or read something from a Modified gloating about their ‘freedom’ …

    Suddenly Left Wing Laura from the Commie Globe & Mail discovers that the government can deny her ‘freedoms’ as well. Ooops. Turns out ‘freedom’ granted by the state is not really freedom.

    When the gov takes control of something that God never gave them (your freedom of movement,) you know, absolutely know, that at some point the same gov will deny that freedom. It does not matter how ‘good’ the reason they give for why they took control, it is always wrong.

    The ‘greater good’ is a satanic lie. God’s principle is:

    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

    John 15:13

    This kind of love is not what the satanic ones mean when they say you must do something for the ‘greater good.’ This is not ‘laying down your life’ for another. It is not love at all. This is simply them taking something from you and either keeping it for themselves, or giving it to others.

    The lockdowns, the masks, the forced deathjabs … these are all a gross overreach of the state. God never gave them this power, and they will eventually answer to the highest authority for all they have done.

    This is why it is so fun to hear the gasps of outrage when the Modified find themselves in the position of those they have thrown under the wheels of the tyranny bus for the past year or so.