• Stocking Up

    We live in a time where if you follow what the politicians tell you to do, you are endangering your own life. In the past, the elites really didn’t care if we lived or died. ‘Let them eat cake,’ betrayed how out of touch the government was with the common people. Now they just want you dead.

    The most telling line in the lie above is ‘there is no need to buy more than you normally would.’ Just a gentle pat on the head telling you to go quietly and give in to the inevitable. If you will just die quietly, without causing any sort of panic, we would appreciate it. Thank you.

    There is a reason why Joseph was instructed of God to build granaries and to stock up for the coming famine. There is a reason why the virgins who stocked up on oil were called wise while those who ‘bought no more than they normally would’ were called foolish. Be like Joseph. Be wise.

    I’ve recently seen some Christians parroting a similar line, saying that it is wrong for us to stock up because not everybody has the money to stock up, so if we buy more than normal, when the famine comes the poor will not have anything left to buy. Again. Wrong. If you want to provide charity to the poor (or foolish,) that is your decision as guided by God. When you make that a rule for other Christians, or a use it as a way to virtue signal, you are putting others under your law and creating discord among Christians. Further, when the time comes, you will not be able to help your precious poor (foolish) anyway, because you were foolish yourself. This line of thinking just leaves me shaking my head.

    Stores may limit the amount of certain items you can buy. That is fine. That is their prerogative. But there is no need to obey a politician who is lying to you and telling you that ‘everything will be OK’ while on the other hand that same politician is stirring the waters of war, illness and death.

    Be wise. See the times we are living in. Care for your family. Even prepare for your foolish friends. But whatever you do, do NOT blindly listen to those that hate you. They serve the fallen one. Do not go with them into the fire.

  • Doing it Soviet Style

    This is what is currently happening in Lithuania. The 80’s are calling and they want their cold War back.

    Seriously, how far away from this are we here in Canada? With the vax passport becoming the only way to enter many places of commerce, and often to simply hold a job … and the underground black market for food and services developing, how long before impromptu markets start springing up in back alleys of Canadian cities?

    I guess the bigger question … is this a bad thing?

    What if … not having a vax passport meant that instead of supporting stupid big chain stores like Walmart and Superstore where 80% of the ‘food’ is garbage, we instead had to turn to local farmers, green grocers and back alley markets?

    What if you got to know your local cow farmer and discovered that he needed baby sitting 3 days a week, or needed help with homeschooling … and you were able to help in exchange for freezer beef?

    Or maybe your local farmer is offering ‘shares’ in next years crop … and you got in now future proofing your food supply.

    There are a lot of positives that could come from going at it ‘Soviet style’ and they too survived the cold war just as we did.

  • Facebook Is a Cesspool

    I just spent 5 mins browsing on my wifes Facebook account tonight. It was enough to remind me why I dumped that garbage site almost a year ago.

    I waded through:

    • FB ‘fact checking’ after almost every post
    • Know-it-all professional Libtards spouting CBC and CNN as if it were the Bible
    • People who hate God and attack Christians in almost every post


    From Facebook

    This was a typical thread. Somebody posts some meme that is innocuous and well meaning. Then the A-holes jump in and tear down the meme and anybody who dared post or agree with it.

    30 seconds on this ‘Bill Tiessen’ Facebook account showed that he is at best a dim bulb, (very antisocial, know-it-all parroting what he hears on CBC and CNN) who hates Christians and Christ deeply, but is perfectly willing to use his warped view of love and God to try to discredit God’s people. He is the type of professional idiot that made me dump Facebook to begin with … just reading his smug garbage gave me flashbacks.

    Facebook promotes the worst kind of divisionary garbage and is the primary tool of those who hate Canada and want to tear us apart.

    Glad I’m gone … won’t be back.

  • Worshiping the Beast

    And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    Rev 13:8

    I have wondered how all the major religions of the world would end up worshiping the same Anti-Christ. It just seemed that the major religions were in direct competition with each other. One thing they all seem to have in common though, is the hunt for a new Messiah … one that is not Christ, the God of the world.

    • Jews – Looking for the Messiah. They rejected Jesus.
    • Christians (not saved ones) – looking for Jesus to come back and set up his kingdom here on earth. They will follow anyone claiming to be Christ because they don’t really know Him.
    • Muslims – are looking for al-Mahdi.
    • Buddhists – looking for Maitreya.
    • Hindu’s – Looking for a new Krishna.

    Those that worship state and power like the Marxist Communists who are trying to take over the western world are looking for a global government and will accept any leader who can create the state they desire. (Satan driven.)

    And of course, the Liberal left which are mostly Godless atheists are always looking for a new person to revere and worship.

    So virtually every religion, or a-religion is looking for a Messiah. They will eventually all come together to worship the beast.

    What will that look like? Maybe something like this:

    “The House of One” will house a synagogue, a church and a mosque under the same roof on the site of a church that was damaged in fighting in World War II and then torn down by the communist regime that ruled the eastern part of the city until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1991.

    A cornerstone laying ceremony is planned for May 27 to launch the expected four-year construction project for the new building that has been dubbed a “churmosquagogue” located in Petriplatz in the heart of Berlin.

    “The idea is pretty simple,” Roland Stolte, a Christian theologian who helped start the project told The Guardian. “We wanted to build a house of prayer and learning, where these three religions could co-exist while each retaining their own identity.”

    “There are many different ways to God, and each is a good way,” Rabbi Nachama said, adding that in the House of One, Christians, Muslims and Jews would worship separately, but would visit each other for religious holidays, commemorations and celebrations.

    “We wanted to create a new kind of sacred building that mirrors Berlin today,” Stolte said. “The initiators are acting as placeholders. This is not a club for monotheistic religions – we want others to join us.”

    Stolte said the concept has received general support by faith communities and the public, but added that the planners wanted to reach out to non-religious Germans because “East Berlin is a very secular place. Religious institutions have to find new language and ways to be relevant, and to make connections.”


    And so we have the beginning of the one world religion that will worship the beast in the end times. Those that don’t know Christ will accept this Satanic conglomerations. Make sure you choose the right side!

  • Boy Scouts of America: From Immorality to Bankruptcy

    One of my favorite books growing up and one I keep on the open shelf in my library is Lord Baden Powell’s Rovering to Success.  This book used to spark my imagination and inspire many of my long distance forest hikes as a teenager.  Now my son enjoys browsing the pages on wintry nights.  

    Rovering to Success

    With sections on religion, women and of course the overriding theme of the book being about how to be a quality male, LBP was clearly leading men and Scouts in both a wholesome and morally upright direction.  

    Then came the pedo’s and sodomites.  The Woke Scouts of America with their turning a blind eye to the accusations of abuse, promoting homosexuality and then finally bringing girls into the ‘boy’scouts were clearly on a path.  Now we see where that path was leading.  The whole organization in complete shambles, no longer the bastion of moral wholesome behaviour and now finally in bankruptcy; LBP must be rolling over in his grave.  

    Anything good … anything wholesome … the beautiful = all must fall before the march of ‘progress’.  Chalk another one up for Satan and his minions.

    I’m sure everything is good now

    The organization said Tuesday that Scouting is safer than it’s ever been, saying “approximately 90% of pending and asserted abuse claims against the BSA relate to abuse that occurred more than 30 years ago.”

    If you believe this, you shouldn’t be allowed to raise children.  

    Teach your children yourself.  Don’t hand them off to some nameless, faceless organization who openly promotes immoral behavour.  You have the responsibility to protect your kids from predatory people.  Raise your children well!

  • Winter is Coming

    Can’t say I’ve seen more powerful indicators of the coming collapse than what we’ve seen in the USA and Canada over the past couple of weeks.

    In Canada:  The ruling party (Liberals) got caught trying to influence the judicial system to go easy on a Canadian Corporation for corporate crimes that they’ve committed. Then in an act of vengeful doubling-down, the PM, Justin Trudeau kicked the 2 Liberals who stood up to the corruption out of caucus.  Our government is completely corrupt and immoral right up to the head of our state.  

    The Canadian State media, completely supports the Liberals and promote their corruption as honourable and good.  The sheeple who absorb the mainstream media pap are soaking it up and are parroting everything they hear from the CBC.  Critical thinking, nay basic morality is done.

    How much further down can we slide?

    In the US:  The Mueller investigation wrapped up after 2 years and found there was exactly zero collusion between President Trump and the big bad Russians.  From what I can see, this is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the US people.  This was an attempted coup from within, which failed.  Will this stop immoral power hungry people from attempting this again?  No.  Will they fail next time?  Likely not.  Lessons were learned.  Strategy will be adjusted.  The outcome, next time, will be more sure.  

    Again, the mainstream media pumped this hoax day and night for two years.  Virtually in unison, the various media conglomerates pushed the agenda of regime change calling for impeachment using words like treason and foreign agent.  And the sheeple lapped it up.  

    Again in the US:  Jussie Smollett, a black Sodomite, got completely let off 16 felony accounts for perpetrating a fake hate crime attack which he blamed on white Trump supporters.  His Black Privilege and Sodomite Privilege appears to have played a huge part in his escape from the justice system.  There are rules for them … and there are rules for the rest of Americans.  He immediately got his job back and is back to rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful people of the American Elite.  That tells you more than anything else about who controlled his release and quite possibly who perpetuated the crimes to begin with.  Pedo Hollywood and Sodomy are nearly always seen together.  They are two sides of the same immoral, sick coin.

    Again the media fluffed up this case.  First in promoting his faux hate crime, then in shrugging their collective shoulders when he mysteriously got let off.  Nothing to see here folks.  As Eunuch, Brian Stelter so perfectly said, CNN does not investigate, they just report.  Which is, of course, completely laughable when you look at their ‘reporting’ of the Mueller investigation and refusal to accept its findings. 


    And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  Gen 6:5

    This increase in corruption at the highest levels and its support by the media will only lead to failure.  Good (Christianity) is portrayed as evil.  Evil (corruption, Sodomy, etc) is portrayed as good.  Everything that God created is being changed and morphed into a caricature of the original creation. This will fail. 

    Winter is coming.