Doing it Soviet Style

This is what is currently happening in Lithuania. The 80’s are calling and they want their cold War back.

Seriously, how far away from this are we here in Canada? With the vax passport becoming the only way to enter many places of commerce, and often to simply hold a job … and the underground black market for food and services developing, how long before impromptu markets start springing up in back alleys of Canadian cities?

I guess the bigger question … is this a bad thing?

What if … not having a vax passport meant that instead of supporting stupid big chain stores like Walmart and Superstore where 80% of the ‘food’ is garbage, we instead had to turn to local farmers, green grocers and back alley markets?

What if you got to know your local cow farmer and discovered that he needed baby sitting 3 days a week, or needed help with homeschooling … and you were able to help in exchange for freezer beef?

Or maybe your local farmer is offering ‘shares’ in next years crop … and you got in now future proofing your food supply.

There are a lot of positives that could come from going at it ‘Soviet style’ and they too survived the cold war just as we did.

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