• Universal Basic Income

    Understand this. Virtually every single thing promoted by ‘progressives’ is against God and His order.

    The man who hates you … the man who has singlehandedly done more to destroy privacy than any other single human ever … this is the guy who wants Universal Basic Income? Stop giving your life to Facebook. Zuckerberg is an emissary from Satan. He really, really hates you.

    Universal Income. Sounds wonderful, right? Money for nothing. Every person taken care of. No more poor. Utopia.

    Except …

    Scripture (God’s Word) says:

    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 
    For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. 
    Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

    2 Thess. 3:10-12

    God’s order is for every man to work for his food. Satan’s way is every man to lay around in idleness and still have food.

    God, who loves you, says to work.

    Satan, who hates God’s creation and especially man, says Universal Income. Which do you think will be best for you?

  • How Social Media Tries to Influence You

    Being on Twitter or Facebook, or using Google search for anything is dangerous.  

    You need to understand that they are not there to serve you.  They are serving their own people and their own ideology.  You must be constantly on alert if you are hoping to avoid the subtle way they try to influence you.  

    Here are is Rule #1 for social media giants:  If it is good, or beautiful, traditional or contains Godly morality – they will try to undermine it.  Look for those things and you’ll find social media presenting the ‘alternative’ point of view as if it were normal and mainstream.

    For instance.

    This is the day after the #marchforlife which is a celebration of life and demonstration of solidarity with those who oppose the killing of children. 

    Yet my ‘For You’ Twitter feed was 95% full of ‘pro-choice’ posts this morning.  Totally manipulated.  I don’t follow many ‘pro-killers’ in my Twitter feed … in fact, about 90% of the people I follow are pro-life people.  So why is Twitter feeding me ‘pro-choice’ tweets?  

    It’s manipulated.  They are doing this to try to move the conversation away from the #marchforlife and toward the evil of child murder.  Remember, if it is good, or moral … it must be attacked.  

    How to deal with this?

    The best option is probably to leave Twitter and Facebook … Google, etc.  However, in doing so, you lose your voice.  Even if it just a single voice ‘crying in the wilderness’, it has value.  We must oppose evil where we find it.  Running from it does not oppose it.

    So we stay.  

    I find that if I keep in mind the above Rule in mind (they will attack all things good,) that it becomes easier to see the manipulation and understand it for what it is.  Use that feeling in the back of your mind that you get when you see something not quite right … tune into it because it is usually correct.  Your mind is trying to tell you that something is just not right.  Don’t be mindless on these sites.  They are trying to influence you.

    And speak up.  Oppose the evil where it is.

  • Winter is Coming

    Can’t say I’ve seen more powerful indicators of the coming collapse than what we’ve seen in the USA and Canada over the past couple of weeks.

    In Canada:  The ruling party (Liberals) got caught trying to influence the judicial system to go easy on a Canadian Corporation for corporate crimes that they’ve committed. Then in an act of vengeful doubling-down, the PM, Justin Trudeau kicked the 2 Liberals who stood up to the corruption out of caucus.  Our government is completely corrupt and immoral right up to the head of our state.  

    The Canadian State media, completely supports the Liberals and promote their corruption as honourable and good.  The sheeple who absorb the mainstream media pap are soaking it up and are parroting everything they hear from the CBC.  Critical thinking, nay basic morality is done.

    How much further down can we slide?

    In the US:  The Mueller investigation wrapped up after 2 years and found there was exactly zero collusion between President Trump and the big bad Russians.  From what I can see, this is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the US people.  This was an attempted coup from within, which failed.  Will this stop immoral power hungry people from attempting this again?  No.  Will they fail next time?  Likely not.  Lessons were learned.  Strategy will be adjusted.  The outcome, next time, will be more sure.  

    Again, the mainstream media pumped this hoax day and night for two years.  Virtually in unison, the various media conglomerates pushed the agenda of regime change calling for impeachment using words like treason and foreign agent.  And the sheeple lapped it up.  

    Again in the US:  Jussie Smollett, a black Sodomite, got completely let off 16 felony accounts for perpetrating a fake hate crime attack which he blamed on white Trump supporters.  His Black Privilege and Sodomite Privilege appears to have played a huge part in his escape from the justice system.  There are rules for them … and there are rules for the rest of Americans.  He immediately got his job back and is back to rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful people of the American Elite.  That tells you more than anything else about who controlled his release and quite possibly who perpetuated the crimes to begin with.  Pedo Hollywood and Sodomy are nearly always seen together.  They are two sides of the same immoral, sick coin.

    Again the media fluffed up this case.  First in promoting his faux hate crime, then in shrugging their collective shoulders when he mysteriously got let off.  Nothing to see here folks.  As Eunuch, Brian Stelter so perfectly said, CNN does not investigate, they just report.  Which is, of course, completely laughable when you look at their ‘reporting’ of the Mueller investigation and refusal to accept its findings. 


    And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  Gen 6:5

    This increase in corruption at the highest levels and its support by the media will only lead to failure.  Good (Christianity) is portrayed as evil.  Evil (corruption, Sodomy, etc) is portrayed as good.  Everything that God created is being changed and morphed into a caricature of the original creation. This will fail. 

    Winter is coming.