How to Create a ‘Disease of the Unvaxxed’

Short Version:

Only test the unvaxxed on a regular basis (up to 3x per week,) as a condition for them to earn a living. The flu will show up in much higher percentages in unvaxxed if you only test the unvaxxed.

Long Version:

Start by declaring that the Vax is totally safe and efficient and the ONLY way to solve the Covid cough. Anybody who questions this must be dehumanized and called names like:

  • Anti-vaxxer
  • Conspiracy theorist
  • Anti-science
  • Religious nutjub

Anything to make it so their thoughts and opinions are rejected by the general population.

Then … divide and conquer. Create an ‘us vs them’ situation where you can pit people against each other. Drive the wedge as deep as you can by enflaming emotions and making people believe that one side is ‘literally killing’ the other side. Encourage the media to really fan the flames of division be giving them money and telling them how essential they are to ending this disease. Pat them on the head hard when they tow the party line. Any alternative media is discreditied by denying them access and refusing to answer their questions.

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