Thoughts on Customers and Customer Service

cartoon4There is a pretty common refrain that we hear today that says ‘customer service is getting worse.’  I would like to offer a couple of reasons why this is so … or more correctly appears to be so.

I’m in the service industry.  I fix stuff for people … all day long … everyday.  I interact with 20 to 30 customers every day as I perform my job and answer phone calls.  I’ve been doing what I do for over 23 years now, so there is not much I’ve not seen.  I’ve heard it all from customers and I’ve seen all kinds of behaviors, some predictably explosive and others bordering on bizarre.  I like to think I’ve gotten better at handling irate customers over the years and rarely react to much they say anymore.  I’m usually able to steer the conversation away from danger areas and do all I can to bring people back to earth when they try to launch off.  All that being said, I’m sure there are certain expression of mine, certain body language and other parts of my being that can irritate customers and set them off.  We can’t be all things to all people.

Customer service performed by young people today is as expected … rude, self-centered and empty.  Which also describes a LOT of customers.

Expectations are much higher which changes how service is perceived.

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