Covid-19 is a Globalism Disease

Taking a quick look at the Canadian stats on Covid-19 this morning, we can see that 82% of the infections are due to travel.  Either people have brought the virus here, or people who brought the virus here infected those living here.

In Manitoba, we currently have 15 cases of confirmed Covid-19 and 14 of the 15 were exposed through recent travel. 

So, if this virus is spread by travel, it would seem to any sane, logical person that there is a simple solution.

Stop Travel.

This virus has been spread to the world by the luxury of travel and the incessant need for people to be going to and fro around the world.  Those who can afford to travel like this are bringing this disease back to those who can’t travel.  Immigrants who are not committed to Canada, continue to go ‘home’ to visit and bring the disease back. The luxury of foreign travel is currently the carrier, the vector of Covid-19.

If the western nations had closed their borders when we first heard of this thing in China, we could have stopped it in it’s tracks.  However, that goes 100% against the globalist agenda and so that was not … no, could not, be done.  Even now, when the evidence is clear that travel is the main thing spreading the disease, our overlords will not stop travel.  Oh, they make big words, saying they are closing the border to travel … “except for,” and then they list all the exceptions to the rule.  And the flights continue, and illegal immigrants still walk across our borders with the police carrying their bags, and industry still ships goods … and people still get sick. 

Interesting to note in Scripture that going ‘to and fro’ (travel) is never associated with anything positive.  In fact, it is associated with end times in Daniel.

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Dan 12:4

I don’t read anything more into this passage, but we certainly live in an age of travel and the spread of knowledge through the internet.  

The restlessness of going to and fro is associated with Satan in Job.  Further, Gods Word is full of family, and peoples, and nations.  We are meant to live in our place, in the place God has placed you, and to build your family and your local Church and to be available for your neighbour.  We are never instructed to rove the earth.  In fact the wandering of the Children of Israel in the wilderness was a punishment.

Back to CoronaVirus.  Lets really close the border … and anybody who HAS to come to Canada = forced quarantine. Lock ’em up until we know they are not going to infect us. 

Of course it’s too late now, but the next time the Chinese Communist Party decides to spread a pandemic around the world, we should do the right thing. 

Wishful thinking.  Globalism will not do it.  Globalists will be doing globalism … no matter how many die. 

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