Black Lives Matter – Should I Care?

I don’t care about black lives.  There I said it.  Hate me.

While I hate all oppression and mistreatment of humans, the idea that blacks are somehow special and deserve special treatment is ludicrous to me. Yup … according to the left, that makes me a racist.  So be it.

The fact BLM have now declared open season on whites means that BLM and their movement has jumped from being the apparent victim to being the oppressor. Don’t believe me, do a quick search of black on white crime on Twitter. Video after video of blacks, mostly youth, beating the living tar out of white people for no apparent reason.  The pendulum has swung too far the other way … and now we enter a time when whites are on the receiving end.  This is not justice … this is not how you stop the violence or balance the equation.  This is the same as what blacks accuse white of.  Now it is OK?  Revenge and retribution is OK?  

Be careful what you wish for.

For me and my family: we will spend time with those who think and believe like we do.  Our kids will play together and do all the silly things that kids do, breaking stuff, chasing each other, building forts and hideouts, etc. Our wives will spent time together figuring out homeschooling, and husbands, and how to raise kids in a dangerous world.  Us husbands will trade fishing/hunting stories … how to finish that ’68 Bronco restoration and how to protect our families from the invaders and those that hate us because of who we are, what we represent (Christians) and the colour of our skin. 

The war is coming, are you ready?

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