Black Market is The Free Market

Once upon a time I would have called myself a ‘free market capitalist.’ Now I am a traditionalist marketer or maybe a cottage industry capitalist … something like that.

The only true free market left in the 1st world is the black market.

I support the trading of goods and services for either cash or other goods and services where 2 parties form their own agreement on what is exchanged … all without government intervention or regulation. Governments, of course, frown upon this sort of thing. How can they collect ‘their’ money if we don’t tell them about our transactions? The idea that government is entitled to a piece of every drop of sweat that pours from your labouring brow is contrary to Scripture, to history and even to basic fairness. It is tyranny and the current form of taxation is theft.

The tyranny of the past 1.5 years has illustrated how far out of whack the current system has become and I would suggest that anybody who voluntarily supports this system by freely giving it money is in part responsible for the whole bloated thing. They are free to hate us because of the money (which is power) we give them. We have set up the perfect environment for evil to grow and thrive.

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