Discovering Real Food

From a garden, to chickens to freezer beef, real food is being rediscovered by people who are seeing the need to both shore up their own food supply and live in a more healthy way. Lets take a look at what real food is and how to achieve it no matter where you live.

Ultimately, real food would be all home produced with no outside input. Your own backyard bounty with your own animal protein and everything in between self contained. This is hard to do. Many items are hard to create on your own.

  • Coffee (ya I know … you can live without caffeine, but why?)
  • Oil. Animal fat will work, but a lot of work
  • Sugar. Honey and Maple syrup good substitutes but labour intensive
  • Flour. Takes both space to grow, labour to harvest and clean and labour to grind

However, even with these ‘harder’ items, it well within the average acreage homeowner ability to produce all they will eat (minus the coffee.)

For those not living in the country with space and land, you’ll have to make some compromises using ‘the system’ to supplement what you can produce at home.

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