
2023 and older. Mostly news, politics and The Covid Wars which I don't care much about anymore. I've changed in many ways. I no longer think that voting can fix anything or that the two parties (Canada or US) are different than each other. I no longer support cops. I try to think and operate at a higher level now. Less reactionary, more reasoned based on history.

  • Some People Never Learn

    Steve Kirsch. I have no clue who this guy is or what he stands for. But he’s been memory-holed.

    … they basically wiped out my entire identity so nobody can even see who I am anymore or what I accomplished. My resume is gone. My awards are gone. Nobody can even find out I ever existed.

    I didn’t even get a chance to copy my profile before they wiped me out. All my contacts are gone. The record of my 7 companies I started: gone.

    No one will be able to lookup my history there anymore.

    He’s a gonner.

    What I’m amused at is his action plan to counter being de-platformed by the social media conglomerates is to … complain on social media. He does not get it.

    I was banned from Linked In years ago. I did not get any warnings. I had no recourse. I hardly used it. And more importantly … I didn’t care! The key is to not get tied into the Babylonian system to begin with. They hate us because we are not on their side. We should be OK with that. We should not want to participate in their system. We should be walking a different path.

    If you’ve been banned, de-platformed or unpersoned, count it a blessing. You have the opportunity to escape. You’ve been pushed off the carousel. No longer are you going in circles, making yourself sick and pretending it is fun. Stand up. Let the vertigo subside and begin to enjoy real life again.

    Your world should not look like this …

    From Flicker

  • Sometimes The Truth Comes Out

    The WHO director lets the cat out of the bag in this one … ooops. Sometimes the truth is just on the tip of the tongue waiting to pop out. They know what they are doing and at this point they don’t care if you know.

    Don’t let them put that sludge into you … and especially don’t let them pump it into your kids. The truth is right in front of your eyes (and ears.)

  • No Vax = No Drivers Licence

    So my 15 year old daughter has felt the effects of discrimination today. She’s half way through drivers Z and has her first in person driving scheduled for tomorrow. Her driver texted her tonight and said she must bring proof of vaxx and she told him that it’s not required and will be doing the rapid testing but not until it’s required as per MPI requirement as of Jan. 3…..well he declined her anyways. So my daughter talked to her drivers Z teacher and asked him and he also told her that she must write him a letter stating her medical reasons why she can’t get the vaxx. She’s in tears and I want to know how MPI is going against their own rules and can allow this discrimination….are these 2 guys taking it upon themselves to control or did MPI change their rapid test rule that starts after Jan 3?

    From a private Telegram group in Manitoba

    My son got in just under the wire a few weeks ago. Now it looks like our children must be vaxxed to get a drivers license.


    Because the vaxxed don’t get covid. Oh wait, what’s this?

    Dec 22, 2021 stats from Manitoba Gov.

    More than 3/4 of the ‘sick’ people yesterday were already double vaxxed (and I’m willing to bet many were triple jabbed.)

    If the vax does not work, then why are we making it a requirement for anything? What is the point of the passport for anything? (The answer lies in the fact that it was never about health, it was about control.)

    At this point it is very clear that the covid is a disease of the vaxxed and using ‘their’ logic we should locking the vaxxed up and denying them services to keep them away from the healthy. The roles should be reversed.

    Back to driving. Should we be standing by while our children are denied their 1st licence? Will they ever be able to get a licence?

    While we want to build a system outside of the beast, there are some things that we must take back control of. A teenagers first drivers is one of those things.

  • Omicron – a Mild Everyday Illness

    Let me see if I understand this. The new ‘pandemic’ variant will give you a mild illness that feels like, behaves like and has the same symptoms as a common cold … but it’s not a cold.


    Here in Canada, the common cold season is in full swing. People have the occasional sneeze, sometimes a bit of a headache and maybe some green snot. This is NOT, I repeat NOT the common cold! This is COVID. You are about to die!!

    Spector noted, as have other British experts on Covid, that omicron looks set to be the dominant strain in the U.K. by Christmas, with many people now questioning whether the U.K. could go into a lockdown in the new year.

    A bunch of people with colds = let the lockdowns commence.

    Between the fearporn and the sludge in their veins, the average earth dweller seems to have lost the ability to think for themselves. It’s like earths’ average IQ has has dropped 10 points. Throw in the ‘trust authority’ fallacy and you’ve got the dumbed down world we currently live in. ‘They’ would never lie to us. Why would ‘they?’ (Hint: money or power.) We must believe ‘them’ or we will ALL die.

    How to Think For Yourself

    • Use your own eyes. I’m not talking about the manipulated clips shown on TV. I mean your own real life experiences and observations. Does what you see happening in real life match what ‘they’ are showing you on TV?
    • Think through everything you read. Does what you read logically make sense? (ie. is the common cold now Covid?)
    • Don’t let others interpret for you. If you start with the premise the most of the people in power are trying to hurt or control you, it becomes easier to disregard their interpretations.
    • Take what you can observe in real life and add this to what you know based on your past experiences and formulate your own conclusions.

    We won’t get fooled again.

  • Seeing Our Future

    This headline will soon be seen across Canada as the Federal government continues to pour up to 1 Billion dollars into Vax Passports.

    The tyranny of Vax Passports is not going away … no government spends a Billion dollars with the idea of eliminating it 3 months later.

    This is our future. See it now!

    If somehow, the Conservatives manage to get into power 4 years from now, will they do anything different? Not if the Provincial Con governments are any indication. Manitoba, Ontario, etc all have Conservative governments who are 100% into the tyranny of ‘Health’ passports. Thinking that the Feds would operate any different is pure hopium.

    The best approach is to build your life outside their system.

    • Create your own food supply. Eat real food … not the crap that comes in boxes.
    • Build a network of Doctors and nurses that can provide health care when needed.
    • Find your tribe. Who are the people you can trust and who will build with you? Spend time, a lot of time with them.
    • Consider where you get your money from. Is that safe? Create other sources of income now. Barter works too.
    • Plan for the inevitable confrontation. When ‘they’ knock on your door, how will you respond? Know the law.

    Remember that all this is building to an eventual confrontation between Satan and his followers and our Lord. (Hint: the Lord Jesus wins in the end.) Be sure you are on the right team now. Don’t dabble with Satan by playing their game. Reject evil. Find God.

  • Anything To Destroy What God Created

    From Twitter

    No comment needed.

    Satan and his human operatives will always attack all the good that God has given us. Marriage, probably more than anything, has been under attack since the ‘free love’ of the 60’s. Modern marriage hardly resembles anything that God set up for us. From Sodomy to ‘no fault’ easy divorce … and now this abomination.

    Living apart is not marriage. Don’t let them convince you otherwise.

  • The Casual Road to Fascism

    How to be a fascist 101:

    From Twitter

    This two minute video is the playbook of fascists everywhere. It is a step by step manual. And this is playing on mainstream TV in a 1st world nation. Here is the order of operations:

    • You must believe in every way that the state is both more important and knows better in all things than the individual. Individuals don’t matter … all that matters is what the state tells you.
    • You must find a target. In the past is was those diseased Jews that had to be marked, gulaged and eventually deathshowered. Now it is those diseased unvaxxed.
    • You must dehumanize your target. Call them deranged. Use terms like, ‘I cannot understand why these people …’ In every way, you must view the situation as ‘us’ vs ‘them.’
    • Quickly get past the immorality of hating people and get into the logistics of imprisoning or eliminating them. Nobody need a conscious when eliminating the unwanted people.
    • Advocate for a system of snitches and moles that work on behalf of the state … and pretend this is a good thing.
    • Add random state spotchecks to find the diseased and non-compliant.

    The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

    Eccl 1:9

    To learn from history, we must remember how this system worked and how it played out in the past. We are not even 100 yrs removed from the last time fascists did this … the memories of the unbelievable evil they perpetrated on the world should be fresh. Satan is gonna Satan and his minions are going to follow the playbook. It worked in the past, it will work again.

    To end on a positive note:

    • Know God. Study your Bible so you can be used by Him to free others from what is coming.
    • Build your family and tribe now. Make friends with good people on purpose. Regularly cultivate those friendships.
    • Don’t allow leaches or potential snitches into your inner circle. Take Fredo fishing (so to speak … not literally.)
    • Change your mindset from ‘their’ system to Gods Order
      • You really don’t need their sportsball
      • Pedo Hollywood is basically lying for entertainment. You don’t need their cinemas
      • You don’t need big box stores. Shop local.
      • The public school system has one purpose – to take over your children. Never offer your children to them.
    • Grow and eat real food. What you can’t grow, buy from your neighbour.
    • As Solomon said in the verse quoted above, what is old will be new again. Study real history. Read old books. Talk to the grandparents who came from ‘the old country.’ Don’t be fooled again.

    Finally. Be of good cheer. Greater is He that is within us than he (and ‘they’) who is in the world.

  • Vaxxed Overtaking Unvaxxed in Hospital Deaths

    Data Link in pic

    We can see that in the 30-59 age range that the percent of vaxxed vs unvaxxed dying in hospital are virtually identical. And if you are over 80, your chances of dying is the hospital are greater if vaxxed.

    A new Norwegian study has found the same.

    From here

    What does this mean?

    You precious Deathjab does not work. If you factor in the vax deaths and severe damage, you are far worse off taking the modification vs remaining pureblooded.

  • Failing Modifications

    Beta testers are not happy.

    The much vaunted ‘Dr.’ Fouci, or as we call him, Dr. Death is now admitting that ‘breakthrough’ covid cases are showing up in such alarming numbers that it is hard for them to hide the data at this point. Don’t get him wrong, they are still doing all they can to suppress the data, but when your vaxxed family, friends and neighbours keep ending up in the hospital … well, that’s hard to hide.

    On Nov. 12, White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, went on The New York Times‘ podcast The Daily to discuss the current state of the coronavirus in the U.S. According to Fauci, officials are now starting [only now??] to see some [some? Infection rates in their skewed data is 50/50] waning immunity against both infection and hospitalization several months after initial vaccination. The infectious disease expert pointed toward incoming data from Israel, [he’s only looking at Israeli data now??] which he noted tends to be about a month to a month and a half ahead of us in terms of the outbreak.

    “They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, [meaning modified people are dying … which you won’t see on your evening news for some reason] which is starting to now involve all age groups. [why is it involving all age groups in vaxxed people??] It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said. “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”

    From Yahoo. Bolded points in square brackets are mine.

    What is Dr. Death’s answer to the vax not working?

    More vax. ‘Booster’ shots. (We didn’t destroy your life completely with the 1st two shots … can we try again?)

    If you took the deathjab to begin with, I already suspect you have diminished mental capacity. If you take a booster shot of something that does not work, you are a straight up idiot.

    I’ve been avoiding the vaxxed for a while now. I just find them so … blind. Many behave like they are on mute or like they are wading through deep water all the time. They just seem dim and slow rather than alive and vibrant to me. It’s hard to describe. On the other hand, my PureBlooded friends = we’ve been having a great time! It’s been liberating to be around people who don’t believe every bit of mainstream news, who naturally think outside the box and who are willing to stand for what they believe.

    I would hope to see more people moving away from the modifications, but I suspect this won’t happen. It appears that when you turn your very health and wellbeing over to people like Dr. Death, that it is hard to escape the blindness that inevitably follows.

    The modified will continue to modify in fear.

    The purebloods will continue to move in new directions, building new systems and creating life and lives worth living.

  • Roussin vs God

    Today, Manitoba’s ‘top doc,’ the satanically driven Brent Roussin decided to turn his attention on Christs’ Church and on the innocent Children.

    Churches in Health South are now not allowed to have more than 25 people attend services if even 1 of those is unvaxxed. (Health South is where the Christians are.) He also decided that children between the ages of 12 and 17 must show proof of at least one deathjab or a recent neg test or be banned from organized sport.

    The Church and the Children. Let’s see how God views these two groups of people:

    Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

    Eph 5:25

    But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

    Luke 18:16

    Roussin has chosen two of the Lord’s most favored people here on earth as his current target. This will not end well. As Christians we cannot accept man’s ‘laws’ when they are in direct opposition to God and His laws. If nothing else, this announcement must open the eyes of Christians everywhere. Stop the lukewarm attitude of complacency and acceptance that Christ NEVER requested of you. He told us to ‘be the salt and the light!’ (Matt 5:13-16.) We must recognize the evil that is directly confronting us and reject it. We must not stop attending church. We must not allow our children to be pawns in his life and death game.

    Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    James 4:7

    We don’t scream, fight or become vigilantes, but with quiet firm determination, deny Roussin and his evil minions … come what may.

    Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    1 John 4:4