
2023 and older. Mostly news, politics and The Covid Wars which I don't care much about anymore. I've changed in many ways. I no longer think that voting can fix anything or that the two parties (Canada or US) are different than each other. I no longer support cops. I try to think and operate at a higher level now. Less reactionary, more reasoned based on history.

  • Why Many People No Longer Trust Mainstream Health Care

    From @PatrioticTrauma on Twitter:

    Has anyone else encountered this criminal rule I’m about to describe. The other night I was on call, and a patient up on the floor was having a severe asthma attack. He has known severe asthma. He was admitted for an orthopedic injury after a fall. 

    1/ He had incidentally been tested + for covid on admission, but had been vaxed before and had no symptoms of covid. My resident ordered a duoneb (a nebulizer treatment for asthma). I was immediately told by nurses and RTs that was not allowed b/c the patient “has covid”. 

    2/ I didn’t believe them. I asked, “let me get this straight. for the last 18 months you have not been administering nebulized breathing treatments or bipap to covid patients, perhaps the patients that would need it the most!!” The answer I got was “correct.” 

    3/ I got upset, insisted on reaching the physician admin whose in charge of the committees who make these rules, & I reached her in middle of night and explained “this man may die b/c of an outrageous rule and that I, the physician at bedside thinks this is clinically indicated.” 

    4/ I would categorize as malpractice! I also said “so if y’all actually believe this vaccine works, you are choosing believing a pcr test with a known false positive rate, and based on this test you are withholding treatment to a patient that is having an asthma attack.”

    5/ Furthermore they’ve been withholding these treatments to c19 patients. I’m outraged to have found this out. After I spoke to the admin, she let me give the albuterol, but she did say that they’re removing this rule soon anyway. I told her it was 18 months too late. 

    6/ I don’t think people understand that docs have no power. At least the docs who want to do right things. I had to fight to get an albuterol neb. I happened to be there. I had to fight back & get permission from another doc admin to do a normal thing & treat a patient w/ asthma.7/7 

    Thread Reader App

    As we see more and more of this, people will continue to lose confidence in our health care system. For some things, this might be good = we need to take better care of ourselves without relying on pills for everything. However, for other health issues, this misstrust will hurt or even kill people. In many ways our health care system has turned into a giant money sucking business anyway. I don’t mean that there are not great docs and nurses … many, probably most are in health care for the right reasons, but those that rule over them and who hold the purse strings are pure evil and are driving the system into the ground.

    The best answer to this is from a popular ‘What If’ meme going around:

    What if instead of running straight to the doctor, you started looking into other healing modalities that focused on the cause instead of the symptoms?

    We must take back control of our own health and health care.

  • Aspirin: Good for Covid? Must Be Attacked

    Last week a report was released showing how Aspirin is helpful in preventing people from ending up on a Vent with Covid. Unfortunately, there is no money or tyranny in Aspirin (anyone can buy it,) so this report had to be countered.

    Jerusalem Post

    Cue the attack by the mainsteam media and social media dogs:

    Twitter What’s Happening Timeline

    This is pretty wild. People who are most vulnerable to covid = the elderly with heart issues, are now being advised that they should stop taking Aspirin which would apparently be helpful in fighting both Covid and the clots caused by the death jab.


    The evil being promoted by these people is so obvious. It’s really hard for me to understand the delusion that seems to blind people who in many ways are more intelligent than the average. How far down the slippery slope do you have to go to not see what is SO very obvious to many of us … to lose your ability to do any sort of critical thinking or simple observation. Even with the media manipulation, the truth about what is going on and who is behind all this is not hard to see. Five minutes reading non-mainstream media will get you hours of ‘truth’ to research. I don’t expect people to automatically accept everything they read on the counterside of things, I certainly don’t, but like in most things, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

    The delusion is strong, but this Aspirin story is so slap-in-the-face obvious that you would have to be completely deceived to not see it.

  • New Rules Will Lead to Less Testing

    New rules targeted at the unvaxxed in Health South region of Manitoba only:

    Manitoba Post

    Not sure what ‘they’ are thinking with this one … people with a sniffle or two are now going to avoid getting tested especially if that means that their family all has to isolate until they get ‘approved’ by the state.

    I suspect this was just a poorly thought out attack on the unvaxxed that could lead to slightly lower numbers in the unvaxxed which would hurt the case they are trying to make that covid is ‘a disease of the unvaxxed.’ It feels more like punishment than anything.

    The other issue is that people will hold off seeking help if they really do have covid. Now most of the time the docs and hospitals just send people home to get REALLY sick before they stick a tube down their throat, so avoiding mainstream medicine might actually be good. Hopefully one of their family members or close acquaintances has stocked up on Ivermectin and they can self treat which anecdotally seems to be the best method of getting over Covid anyway.

    Either way, this new ‘rule’ is not going to help alleviate either the actual covid or the tyranny.

  • Is the Jab the Mark of the Beast?

    The answer is, No.

    I looked at this question back in May:

    The mark of the beast is associated with the worship of the beast. This is why the Not-a-Vax is the not the mark. There is no worship of the Anti-Christ associated with it. (This does appear to be a test run though and will condition people to accept what they are told they need to live. The concept will be the same but with a man in front of it next time.)

    The One World Religion Will Worship a Man

    I still believe this.

    We don’t have a ‘Beast’ here yet. Of course, he won’t look like a beast … he will be an imitation of Christ and he will save the world from those that ‘have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ (Rev 12:17) But what we have here in Manitoba is most definitely a picture of what is to come. The current war is supposedly on Covid19, but the war is no longer (if it ever was) against Covid. The war is on those that ‘have the testimony of Jesus Christ’ in Health South.

    Scripture is clear that the whole world will worship the beast and participate in the system created by his mark. With many countries bowing out of the Covid narrative these days, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and most recently Portugal, the Jab no longer fits the qualification of being the mark required to buy or sell world wide.

    But in Canada and more specifically Manitoba, the jab and the mark (vax passport) is taking over everyday life. Watching how ‘they’ have been able to control us with a QR Code and the threats of a few gestapo ‘just doing their jobs’ has been very revealing.

    I had often wondered how the AC would convince people to both worship him and to take a mark that would control their lives. Now we see it in action. Fouci is a saint to the left. Every word that comes out of Roussin’s mouth is treated as gospel truth. Those without Christ are continually trying to fill the hole in their soul’s with something … anything but Christ. So they are susceptible to ‘hero worship.’ They latch on to people like sports stars, politicians and snake oil salesmen and put them on the pedestal that belongs to our Lord. Then, anything ‘the hero’ says or does is treated with religious reverence … no matter how illogical or how many lies. Seeing that Satan is the father of lies, (John 8:44) it’s no wonder people without Christ will believe anything said by those who are Satanically driven.

    We need to see and really observe what is happening now so we can prepare for the real event, which will be FAR worse. We might be able to fight back this time politically, or with enough people rising up, but next time only One will save us. And every eye will behold him! (Rev 1:7.)

    He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

    Rev 22:20
  • Creating a New Slave Class

    As Canada slowly regresses back to a state of complete segregation, I’m struck by how easily we have been manipulated into being a new Slave Class.

    The Modified Ones, except for having to mask up in stores, are 100% free to enjoy all parts of our former life. They can sport, travel, eat, lottery, receive easy health care and collect our tax dollars through exclusive programs. Life is special for them.

    We, the PureBloods, serve them.

    Yet, currently the vaxxed outnumber the unvaxxed with Covid here. Why are we serving them? Why are we protecting them?

    I am considered an ‘essential service.’ Could people survive without the service I provide? Sure. Humans did for 6000 years. Would it be uncomfortable? Compared to the ease of life we have previously enjoyed … yes. Understand that I am considered essential so I can provide comfort and ease to the ruling class and their minions, the Modified. I am ‘allowed’ to take care of them.

    A good friend of mine owns a local restaurant. He is a PureBlood. As such, he is ‘allowed’ to do all the operations required to serve food. He is required to pay taxes and be the strong arm of the tyrant by checking vax passports on behalf of the state. He can clean, prep, cook, greet and serve the Modified, but he is not allowed to cook himself a lunch and eat it in his own restaurant. That is illegal for PureBloods. He is essentially a slave to the state.

    We have created a group of people here in Canada that have been:

    • Fired from their jobs or
    • Forced to work as essentials (no gov handouts available to them.)
    • Denied most luxuries and leisure activities such as travel, sports or eating out
    • Not allowed to leave Canada
    • Not allowed to fly, take the train or bus anywhere
    • Subject to denial of service by anyone
    • Subject to fines or jail for not serving the will of the state

    What would any other society in history have called a group of people in these conditions?


    This is why tyranny is the proper word to describe the ‘laws’ that have been imposed on us by unelected and unaccountable officials. Call it what it is. Write it down. Don’t let history forget what the Modified Ones tried to do here. We will hold them accountable.

  • Latest Covid Tyranny in Health South is an Attack On Christians

    I’ve been saying since the beginning that this whole Covid thing is Satanic in nature and as such is about attacking, not just humanity, but specifically Christians.

    On Thursday, the Manitoba government enacted new rules which target churches and the Health South Region specifically. Why?

    Northern Health has an infectivity rate of .182%
    Southern Heath has an infectivity rate of .097%

    So it’s not about infection rates or ‘they’ would be concentrating on oppressing the Northern Health Region, not the South.

    Lets take a look at ‘their’ press conference and see if we can find some hints as to why the MB gov has their sights set on Health South. Take a listen as our ‘Top Doc’ in Manitoba talks about ‘faith based gatherings’ … or as we like to call them, Christians.

    The desire to break up Christians Churches into vaxxed vs un-vaxxed is purely Satanic. This is what Satan has been trying to do since the beginning of time … Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it … so Satan has been attacking the Church and God’s people since the very start.

    What is the Health South region known for? Churches.

    Our population is largely Christian, specifically Mennonite and we are open about it. There are Bibles, I should say well thumbed Bibles, in well over 50% of the homes I visit on a daily basis in the Winkler area. We have many churches that are full of worshippers on Sunday mornings … and many more ‘underground’ Churches now that the demonically driven ‘Dr.’ Roussin has targeted once again. As I write this, there are Church gatherings in at least 3 backyards/homes that I know of within 5 miles of me. We are Christians and we live as such. And Satan and his minions hate us for it.

    So when you read that the restrictions (tyranny) are about us being unvaxxed or ‘positivity rates’ or some other nonsense, remember who is driving this oppression and who he hates. It will make any future announcements predictable and will cause us Christians to relish in the oppression knowing who wins this war in the end.

    Oh for the day when the Roussin’s of the world stand before God … and He asks for an account of what they have done with all that God has given them. They will have to say, ‘I targeted your people. I locked them down. I did everything I could to oppress them and make them hated in the larger population.’ And then they will know God, a righteous and just God who will have His vengeance on those that hate Him and His people.

    Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

    Romans 12:19

    With this in mind, we can ‘turn the other cheek,’ not in submission to the oppressor, but with the attitude of ‘I can take every blow you throw at me because the One I serve is greater than the one you serve.’

  • How Gamma ‘Smart Boyz’ Ruin Almost Every Thing That is Good

    Almost every larger group I’m a part of online has at least one smart boy (usually more) that ruin any intelligent discussion by flinging their own feces around the room.

    If you moderate a group online, you MUST eliminate these tumors from the discussion or they will single handedly destroy any meaningful discussion and ruin the whole thing. They are cancer and must be destroyed for the whole to live in peace.

    Case in point from last night.

    I ask a question … about a problem that has been bugging me on a topic that has not been addressed by the ‘unvaxxed’ crowd which I am a part of:

    From a private Telegram group

    From this question we had a good discussion with several people offering ideas and suggestions along with some speculation on my part about the non-reactions of the healthy vs those with health issues.

    Then Gamma Smart Boy steps in and says:

    His name, ‘Marvellous’ should have been the warning sign, but he hid his gamminess with some very good points … but then the ‘smart boy’ just can’t help himself and he spurts, “Then again, maybe you’re just a turbo retard shilling for the profiteers of the pharma bio terrorists” …

    How idiots like this are allowed to derail intelligent conversation is beyond me. The reason why we have the children’s table off to the side at family gatherings is they invariably end up noisy, messy and ruin any sort of decorum that adults might enjoy. I’ve left more than one group because of this kind of blight, and I suspect I won’t be long in this one either. Noxious weeds must be plucked up and burned or they will ruin the whole crop.

    A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

    Galatians 5:9

    I’ll wait an see where this one goes but I won’t stick around long if half-wits like this are allowed to fling their poop at the adult table.

  • Double Jabbed Now Considered Unvaxxed

    We already know how Manitoba tries to obfuscate the Covid vaxxed vs ‘unvaxxed’ data … is this a step to further hide the fact that the vax is doing little to help and much to harm?

    Will those with 2 jabs now be included in the ‘unvaxxed’ category? Will they even tell us when they will start counting the numbers differently? The ‘data’ is so thoroughly messed up at this point, we will never really know anything. Anything, other than the ‘official’ story is not the truth at this point.

  • Unvaxxed No Longer Allowed to get Married in Oakville, Ontario


    This one caught me by surprise. Maybe there is a way around this … can you get your minister to pick up the license for you (assuming he is Modified.) Or will they mail it?

    Either way, this is a definite step in a new direction. How long before you won’t be able to get a drivers license as a PureBlood? Will they ‘take’ our land away eventually too?

    Building your own tribe and compound or city-state seems to be the best answer at this point. Let them have their fun … while we create and build and live free.

    Or move to Norway (where they have lifted all restrictions.)

  • Will it be a 2 Tier System or Parallel Societies?

    Summit News

    I’m not sure what direction we will ultimately go, but what we do know is that we will never be able to go back to what we had as a society a mere 12 months ago. Then we were ALL locked down and under the tyranny of the government. We were equally under the same hammer. The left loved it … they were happy to get paid to sit at home while the ‘essential workers,’ (the UberEats, the Amazons, the tradesmen and gasbar attendants) served them, keeping them fed, their cars full of gas and their homes in proper working order.

    The right saw what was coming … but did nothing to stop it.

    And here we are. One group being told that they will need to take the BoosterJuice forever or die and the other, the PureBloods, living free of both the virus and the medically induced chains. The PB’s will be demonized for their freedom while the Modified will be cowering in their homes, fueled by CNN and CBC, anxiously awaiting their 6 month update jab.

    The only way this can end is with bloodshed and revolution.

    In the mean time, what kind of society are we going to build?

    Will we be what we currently have = a 2 tier system?

    • the Mods are allowed to live a ‘normal’ virtually unfettered life. (Or as normal as they can simulate while they live in complete fear most of the time.)
    • and the PB’s who spend WAY too much of their time wishing they could play sports again and go out to eat with their families while attending rallies on weekends, eating takeout and unmasking wherever they can.


    Will we build a Parallel Society?

    The groundwork for a parallel society is already being laid with many PureBloods already:

    • Homeschooling
    • Attending Home Church
    • Having Potluck dinners with friends instead of going out to eat
    • Building their own sports leagues for their kids
    • Trading homegrown and home preserved foods with each other or for labour
    • Having discussions about communications, alternate power supplies and other independent systems for when the Mods decide to clamp down even harder
    • Building our own ‘health care system’ based on healthy living choices rather than popping pills for everything or getting modified to fight the flu. (This one is huge right now. Many of us have procured Ivermectin to fight the Cough if we get it. Many are walking more, eating cleaner and doing more outdoor labour than ever before in an effort to boost our immune systems. This is what we should have been doing long before the weapon was unholstered on us … we are late, but making up for lost time.)
    • Dumping old ‘friends’ and making many more new, much higher quality friends. We don’t care what the Jones are doing any longer because, as a group, we ARE the Jones’s.

    The Mods have claimed everything else that was built up by society before and will try to keep all those balls in the air even though they have lost many of the people who both built the systems and and the knowledge and skills to keep them running. They will hold elections to keep their tyrants in power. They will control school boards, and town counsels and social media all in an effort to pervert our children and silence the PureBloods.

    But it won’t work. The PB’s are too free. We are too smart to be duped by the tyrants and corrupt media at this point. Oh, we might fight a wrong battle here and there. We might try to create ‘unity’ again (a mistake in my opinion,) through compromise. We might even give up a few freedoms to try to end the war, but in the end none of this will work.


    Because the Modified will still be modified.

    They will still need the 6 month BoosterJuice injections to feel safe. They will still need to hate our freedom in order to justify their attempts to oppress us. They changed themselves permanently and can never go back. And because they made that choice, the PureBloods must be hated.

    I’m voting for a Parallel society. The Mods might have the larger numbers, but the PB’s are too smart, too industrious and too fearless to stay under the boot forever.