• Walking Clichés

    So many young men on social media are walking clichés; throwing out their chests, giving ‘strong’ advice to other young men = full of machismo and bravado … all online.

    Off to the gym they go, all buff … eating Carnivore … drinking protein. They swagger around, flashing their lats and sneaking peeks at themselves in the mirrors.

    They will talk about how they can ‘read people’ using words like ‘behavioral’ … and they have all ‘studied’ something and are now experts. 23 yr old experts.

    Hair carefully quaffed or shaved bald. Smelling of some sweet, exotic scent. Clothes immaculate … always. Loafers without sox.

    Pictures of Lamborghini’s or Ferrari’s in their Twitter header. They write blogs or social media posts giving advice to other young men and talking about cigars, whiskey and women … and who knows, maybe they’ve bought a few drunk floozies’ in their life.

    The smoking and the drinking? That’s to impress the boys. Sucking on phallic symbols, downing large mouthfuls of strong drink … it’s all very homo. It’s all to impress the boys = how cool and nonchalant they can be while sucking on a long, hard … cigar.

    Guaranteed to be avid UFC fans. Oh they will talk about this or that fighting style and they will have all the terminology down … but really they just love watching half naked men in tights rolling around on each other. Super gay!

    In real life:

    Put these closet homo’s on a farm or in a garden. Tell them they must provide for and protect a family … raise children and trust God. Watch them flounder. Most would give up within 24 hours. Completely useless. Utter wastes of resources, food and air.

    Do NOT get tied into these frauds. Do not make them a part of your tribe. And most of all, do not be this kind of young man!

    Put your head down and work. Get rid of your social media. Stop chasing tail. Stop pretending. Get real with your life. Build things that matter and will last. Create a legacy.

    30 seconds of Twitter and I found some examples. I have no clue who any of these ladies are, but they fit the mold. Don’t be this!

    The quadrivium … whisky, cigars, money and women. Homo.
    This one claims to understand and study human behaviour. A telltale sign …
    Cigars AND Call of Duty … with a TikTok account. Double gay gamma for sure.
    This one can’t even find cigar sucking mates in real life … virtual homo.
    Kronos … one of the Titans. Descended from YerAnnus. Of course.

    Ok. Enough. You get the point. Don’t be these guys. Be real.

  • When to Burn the Bridges

    Confession. I’m a burn the bridges kinda guy. It’s how I’m wired. However, after a few years here on earth, I’ve learned to temper my burning desires in some situations.

    When to Burn Away

    Burning sometimes needs to happen when you are dealing with people. Friends, oftentimes family, sometimes spouses need to be burnt outta your life for you to move ahead. Typically these are interpersonal relationships. If they are:

    • Needy
    • Negative
    • Untrustworthy
    • Progressive
    • Judgmental/Critical of everything
    • Drunkard
    • Busybody
    • Users

    Oh, this list can go on forever … basically, if they are dragging you down instead of building you up = burn ’em. Get those people out of your life. If you can’t trust them in battle to have your back, eventually they will hurt you; could be physically, but most certainly mentally. You already know who they are …

    Don’t Burn – Leave the Way Intact

    I have discovered that there are certain situations where you might need to distance yourself, but you don’t want to eliminate a way back.

    This is primarily in the business setting.

    We often burn bridges to companies as if the people working there are the company themselves. In the past I’ve burnt companies because I didn’t like the person I was dealing with. Then later found that many people had not liked dealing with that person and he/she had been eliminated by the company … except now I’m on the outside because I had treated the company as if they were just that person.

    Same can happen in a work setting. Your boss or coworker might be a total life suck. You definitely have to decide just how much you will take, but understand that if they are truly a sh!tty person, they will eventually be eliminated anyway. You might have to bide your time rather than burning it all down.

    Caveat. Some companies are built from the ground up as ‘progressive’ … these should be burnt out of your life. They can’t change because their identity is built on the premise of hate as a founding ideology. This is different than the case of a crappy human working in a decent company. If the mission statement is written in a way that you are a target instead of a client = burn baby burn.

  • Boy Scouts of America: From Immorality to Bankruptcy

    One of my favorite books growing up and one I keep on the open shelf in my library is Lord Baden Powell’s Rovering to Success.  This book used to spark my imagination and inspire many of my long distance forest hikes as a teenager.  Now my son enjoys browsing the pages on wintry nights.  

    Rovering to Success

    With sections on religion, women and of course the overriding theme of the book being about how to be a quality male, LBP was clearly leading men and Scouts in both a wholesome and morally upright direction.  

    Then came the pedo’s and sodomites.  The Woke Scouts of America with their turning a blind eye to the accusations of abuse, promoting homosexuality and then finally bringing girls into the ‘boy’scouts were clearly on a path.  Now we see where that path was leading.  The whole organization in complete shambles, no longer the bastion of moral wholesome behaviour and now finally in bankruptcy; LBP must be rolling over in his grave.  

    Anything good … anything wholesome … the beautiful = all must fall before the march of ‘progress’.  Chalk another one up for Satan and his minions.

    I’m sure everything is good now

    The organization said Tuesday that Scouting is safer than it’s ever been, saying “approximately 90% of pending and asserted abuse claims against the BSA relate to abuse that occurred more than 30 years ago.”

    If you believe this, you shouldn’t be allowed to raise children.  

    Teach your children yourself.  Don’t hand them off to some nameless, faceless organization who openly promotes immoral behavour.  You have the responsibility to protect your kids from predatory people.  Raise your children well!

  • How Social Media Tries to Influence You

    Being on Twitter or Facebook, or using Google search for anything is dangerous.  

    You need to understand that they are not there to serve you.  They are serving their own people and their own ideology.  You must be constantly on alert if you are hoping to avoid the subtle way they try to influence you.  

    Here are is Rule #1 for social media giants:  If it is good, or beautiful, traditional or contains Godly morality – they will try to undermine it.  Look for those things and you’ll find social media presenting the ‘alternative’ point of view as if it were normal and mainstream.

    For instance.

    This is the day after the #marchforlife which is a celebration of life and demonstration of solidarity with those who oppose the killing of children. 

    Yet my ‘For You’ Twitter feed was 95% full of ‘pro-choice’ posts this morning.  Totally manipulated.  I don’t follow many ‘pro-killers’ in my Twitter feed … in fact, about 90% of the people I follow are pro-life people.  So why is Twitter feeding me ‘pro-choice’ tweets?  

    It’s manipulated.  They are doing this to try to move the conversation away from the #marchforlife and toward the evil of child murder.  Remember, if it is good, or moral … it must be attacked.  

    How to deal with this?

    The best option is probably to leave Twitter and Facebook … Google, etc.  However, in doing so, you lose your voice.  Even if it just a single voice ‘crying in the wilderness’, it has value.  We must oppose evil where we find it.  Running from it does not oppose it.

    So we stay.  

    I find that if I keep in mind the above Rule in mind (they will attack all things good,) that it becomes easier to see the manipulation and understand it for what it is.  Use that feeling in the back of your mind that you get when you see something not quite right … tune into it because it is usually correct.  Your mind is trying to tell you that something is just not right.  Don’t be mindless on these sites.  They are trying to influence you.

    And speak up.  Oppose the evil where it is.

  • Winter is Coming

    Can’t say I’ve seen more powerful indicators of the coming collapse than what we’ve seen in the USA and Canada over the past couple of weeks.

    In Canada:  The ruling party (Liberals) got caught trying to influence the judicial system to go easy on a Canadian Corporation for corporate crimes that they’ve committed. Then in an act of vengeful doubling-down, the PM, Justin Trudeau kicked the 2 Liberals who stood up to the corruption out of caucus.  Our government is completely corrupt and immoral right up to the head of our state.  

    The Canadian State media, completely supports the Liberals and promote their corruption as honourable and good.  The sheeple who absorb the mainstream media pap are soaking it up and are parroting everything they hear from the CBC.  Critical thinking, nay basic morality is done.

    How much further down can we slide?

    In the US:  The Mueller investigation wrapped up after 2 years and found there was exactly zero collusion between President Trump and the big bad Russians.  From what I can see, this is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the US people.  This was an attempted coup from within, which failed.  Will this stop immoral power hungry people from attempting this again?  No.  Will they fail next time?  Likely not.  Lessons were learned.  Strategy will be adjusted.  The outcome, next time, will be more sure.  

    Again, the mainstream media pumped this hoax day and night for two years.  Virtually in unison, the various media conglomerates pushed the agenda of regime change calling for impeachment using words like treason and foreign agent.  And the sheeple lapped it up.  

    Again in the US:  Jussie Smollett, a black Sodomite, got completely let off 16 felony accounts for perpetrating a fake hate crime attack which he blamed on white Trump supporters.  His Black Privilege and Sodomite Privilege appears to have played a huge part in his escape from the justice system.  There are rules for them … and there are rules for the rest of Americans.  He immediately got his job back and is back to rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful people of the American Elite.  That tells you more than anything else about who controlled his release and quite possibly who perpetuated the crimes to begin with.  Pedo Hollywood and Sodomy are nearly always seen together.  They are two sides of the same immoral, sick coin.

    Again the media fluffed up this case.  First in promoting his faux hate crime, then in shrugging their collective shoulders when he mysteriously got let off.  Nothing to see here folks.  As Eunuch, Brian Stelter so perfectly said, CNN does not investigate, they just report.  Which is, of course, completely laughable when you look at their ‘reporting’ of the Mueller investigation and refusal to accept its findings. 


    And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  Gen 6:5

    This increase in corruption at the highest levels and its support by the media will only lead to failure.  Good (Christianity) is portrayed as evil.  Evil (corruption, Sodomy, etc) is portrayed as good.  Everything that God created is being changed and morphed into a caricature of the original creation. This will fail. 

    Winter is coming.

  • What is a Refugee?

    I grew up in the 80’s, so my internal picture of what a refugee looks like is painted by the famines in Uganda and Ethiopia when we saw primarily women and children dying of malnourishment and disease.  Time and National Geographic produced image after image of humans in the most desperate straights – literally dying on the page.  These were those that caught the worlds attention.  These were truly helpless.  These were true victims of circumstance.




    These are the images that formed the description of what a refugee looks like in my mind. These people needed our help! They were in such dire need that they literally could not help themselves.

    Then in the 90’s we had the Rwandan genocide. Thousands upon thousands of humans desperate to escape sure death – again the majority being women and children – the innocents. Many escaping extermination ended up dying of disease brought on by undernourishment and unsanitary conditions found in refugee camps. Upwards of 1 million people died in the Rwandan conflict.




    Contrast those images with the images we have of today’s ‘refugees’.

    Only men? All seem well dressed. None appear to be malnourished.


    Again … only men? After ‘reaching safety’ – well dressed. Well fed. With smart phones??

    So we’ve gone from the dead and dying refugees of the 80’s and 90’s to packs of young, well dressed men … with smart phones.  I know some will say I’m cherry picking photos, and I am, but one thing you will not find in the 80’s refugee photos is young men.  Most estimates I’ve read is that the ‘refugees’ from Syria are 80% men.  80%!!!  Where are the true refugees?  Where are the innocent children?  Why only men?

    Finally, these ‘refugees’ are now turning into this:


    So, not only do we have healthy young men being called ‘refugees’, but these young men are so healthy that they can riot and wage war with the police of the countries they’ve ‘escaped’ to. If they were truly refugees of war, why not fight the oppressors in their own countries instead running riot in landed countries?

    The ‘refugee’ of today is NOT the refugee of yesterday … to call these rioting young men ‘refugees’ is an insult to the memory of true refugees everywhere.


    Almost to prove my point, Canada’s John McCallum (Immigration minister) posts a picture on Twitter yesterday showing him meeting ‘newly arrived Syrian refugees’  … all males!  (I couldn’t make this stuff up … lol.)


    This little piece of Liberal propaganda just shows how unlike any past refugees the current crop of ‘refugees’ really are.

    Why? Why are we calling these people refugees? Why are we bringing them into our countries by the 10’s of thousands? Why are we giving them more health care, housing and food than our own poor? Something is going on here, and it’s not about refugees because I know what a refugee looks like … and these aren’t it.

  • Tim Ferriss: Master Marketer or Just Another Spammer


    Tim, Tim, Tim …

    I’ve been following Tim Ferriss since the early days of the ‘yellow background‘ blog.  Back then he wrote to the common people; cool topics that fed dreams and encouraged people to break out of the rut they were in.  Stuff like travel planning, gaining muscle while losing fat, to-do lists, language learning … cool stuff … the stuff of dreams!  Back then, it was not about selling kitchy garbage, carrying on about angel investing as if it is curing cancer or titillating tales of practicing sex.   Even back then he showed shades of the Internet Marketer he’s become (name dropping, crosslinking, etc.,) but it was muted and mostly hidden which is the way internet marketing should be done.

    Then came his 1st book: The 4-Hour Workweek.  Brilliant!!  It was the right book at the right time.  It gave hope to people and provided a tangible step-by-step plan that people with balls (and no family) could follow to maybe get lucky and break away from the drudging path they were on.  I loved that book and still dig it out and reread parts of it about once a year.  To promote the book, Tim put himself out there … and that is where he began to fall (or show his true colors.)  Book promoting is one thing = most authors do it, but self promotion = that was a Tim thing.  It was not about the book anymore, or about helping people; it was about him and what he thought and what he was doing and what junky bauble he was using in his kitchen (with an Amazon link of course.)  Everyone wanted to be like Tim.  … and Tim got rich.  Yep, the book was/is a best seller, but the Internet Marketing money was the goal and continues to be the driving force behind most of what Tim does.  And the thing is: we were all sucked in by it!  We shopped at those virtual shops and bought that junk ’cause we thought it would make us Tim.  I wonder how many ‘fans’ out there are trudging off to work right now to trying to cover the minimum payments on their debt, some of which they accumulated buying the crap that Tim promoted at them.  I’ll bet there are a lotta desk drawers or boxes in basements that contain the hopes and dreams they were sold by Tim = the Internet Marketer.  Before I go on, don’t get me wrong.  I believe that we all are responsible for the place we find ourselves.  Your debt is your debt (and it’s your fault, not Tim’s.)  You made the choices you did … nobody forced you.  So even though I see what Tim is doing as slimy Internet Marketing, you are responsible for the bag of magic beans you’ve bought.

    Which brings us to Tim’s fans.  I suppose I was once like this (it’s hard to look back and be objective about what I did back then), but I’ve never seen such a bunch of sycophantic, fawning, brain dead sheeple in all my life!  (Except maybe Obama supporters in the early days … lol.)  The ‘hipsters’ of today are SOOO blind to the bill of goods they are being sold!  Maybe it’s a product of being brought up in the information age with everything available at the keyboard and flitting from one 140 character pearl of wisdom to the next … always searching and never finding.  I feel sorry for them – they are going to be the next generation of unfulfilled, debt ridden schlubs, slowly unwinding their lives toward death.  … but sheeple have always been sheeple.  From the early days of playing pass the apples (in the garden) to ‘come, let us kill him’, people have allowed themselves to be mindless followers.  Some follow their own greed while others blindly follow the herd … like sheep.  And this herd of followers seems to be the worst of all.  Get this.  They are following a guy whose original message was … do your own thing … be who you want to be – and they follow him by trying to do what he does and trying to be him.  If it wasn’t so sad it would be laughable.

    Back to Tim.  His last two books are crap: at best coffee table books to show visitors how hip and cool you are = full of pretty pictures and big ideas, but short on real life … book candy, not meat and potatoes books.

    And now we come to Tim the spammer.

    A couple of months ago, Tim decided to tap the barrel of his blog and set up a mailing list asking people to opt in.  In return he’s been sending out posts full of fluffy nonsense and affiliate links.  And people are sucking this crap up!  Oh my, the Facebook Fans are the most unbearable!  Not a brain to be found in the bunch (and if somebody dares walk upstream they are quickly ridiculed and shot down by Tim fanatics.) So sad.  So sad to see soooo many lovely people, sons and daughters, young fathers and mothers, sucking on the teet of an Internet Marketing spammer.  Do you really think you are going to get sustenance from that teet?  Is it going to put food on your table, or provide for your future or even satisfy your craving for a new life?  It’s a dry tit people – no matter how hard you suck, nothing of any substance is going to come out!  Spit it out, get real and build your own way!

    Then, last week Tim started with the Internet Marketing spammers trick of ‘ooops, I forgot the link’ or in Tim’s case, ‘Damnation! So sorry about email dupes! Thank you for your patience this week + next. If I fuck it up again, I’ll give away more prizes.’  Sheeple … this is classic Internet Marketing!  He’s doing this on purpose!  This is list building 101 and is used (and taught) by every internet marketing spamming guru out there!  Open yer eyes and see for real the slug that is feeding you this nonsense!  The funny part is, the people he’s spamming are sucking it up:

    “No worries. You may be superhuman, but you are still human.”

    “No worries. it is makes me feel better to know that you also fuck things up occasionally”

    “You are being to hard on yourself, it’s okay, really.

    Fawning fans.  It’s a sickness and one that is spreading like a virus … affecting the minds of good folks everywhere.  People: pull the wool out of yer eyes … pull away the facade that Tim is hiding behind and see slimy slug that you are feeding on!  Alas, I don’t have much confidence that many will break free.  Hope is the driving force behind the hopeless and ‘broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many travel it.’

    Tim Ferriss is both a marketing master and an internet spammer … but he’s the worst kind of both in that he does not care who he hurts as he leads the people down the proverbial garden path …

    Want hope?  Get real!  Do something tangible!  Grab an axe and build a woodpile (so to speak.)

    NOTE:  After writing this post (my 1st real post here …) I Googled to see if anybody else was seeing Tim for what he really is and found this absolute gem by Penelope Trunk called 5 Time management tricks I learned from years of hating Tim Ferriss.  The comments are the fun stuff … lol.  Plus seeing Tim comment on Penelope’s Blog and then mention her on his blog two days later … makes this post even more priceless.

    Oooo … another one:  Are You Riding The Tim Ferriss Wheel?  Nice!