• Its a Spiritual Battle Between Good and Evil

    The battle now, and has always been, between good and evil. Along came Covid and we see many choosing Evil because it was convenient/easier. Apparently many were not up for the battle. The warriors have turned out to be few.

    I’m especially surprised (maybe I shouldn’t have been,) at how many professing Christians have chosen to side with Evil. More surprising would be the reasons given:

    • I want to travel (probably the number 1 reason I hear out here)
    • I want to go out with friends/family
    • I want to watch my kids play sports
    • or worse, I want to watch people who are not my kids playing sportsball
    • My ‘friends’ are all vaxxed
  • How To Use Social Media

    Before we begin, maybe I should briefly address when to not use social media.

    • If you are on the run, do not use social media.
    • If you lean to the right and are participating in potential dissident action or thought, you should not be on social media (I’ll explain in a sec.)
    • If you need attention, are driven by approval from others, or can’t stand criticism then social media will be bad for you. Dopamine is a drug and when coupled with narcissism can be deadly.
    • If you have no real life friends (what I mean by this is, someone you could call at 3am to help you bury a body), you should set aside social media and find your tribe.
  • Black Market is The Free Market

    Once upon a time I would have called myself a ‘free market capitalist.’ Now I am a traditionalist marketer or maybe a cottage industry capitalist … something like that.

    The only true free market left in the 1st world is the black market.

    I support the trading of goods and services for either cash or other goods and services where 2 parties form their own agreement on what is exchanged … all without government intervention or regulation. Governments, of course, frown upon this sort of thing. How can they collect ‘their’ money if we don’t tell them about our transactions? The idea that government is entitled to a piece of every drop of sweat that pours from your labouring brow is contrary to Scripture, to history and even to basic fairness. It is tyranny and the current form of taxation is theft.

    The tyranny of the past 1.5 years has illustrated how far out of whack the current system has become and I would suggest that anybody who voluntarily supports this system by freely giving it money is in part responsible for the whole bloated thing. They are free to hate us because of the money (which is power) we give them. We have set up the perfect environment for evil to grow and thrive.

  • The Government IS Tracking Your Cell Phone

    I think most privacy conscience people know deep down inside that the little computers we carry in our pockets are dangerous to our privacy. If you are anything like me, you have thought about it, but have not done much to change how you use your cell phone. Looks like the time has come to do more than think about it.

    From an article in The Epoch Times today, we read:

    Canada’s federal health agency has been using cellphone data to track the anonymized movements of Canadians since the onset of the pandemic in order to inform policy and public messaging, and it intends to continue the practice after the COVID-19 crisis is over.

    But don’t worry:

    PHAC [Public Health Agency of Canada] says it will not be able to identify or track individuals with the data and that its privacy management division was consulted in the development of the RFP.

    Ya well, as the great Ron Burgundy so eloquently said, ‘I don’t believe you.’

  • Corporations Dancing Around ‘THE’ Question

    The beginning of the end of my appliance warranty repair contracts happened yesterday.

    A major (and I mean one of the top 3 in the world,) appliance manufacturer asked me the following question:

    Will you be able to accomodate Service requests to locations that access is restricted to Fully Vaccinated Individuals?

    Direct email

    Yes … they spelled accommodate wrong …

    But more than that, the question was sneaky/tricky. This manufacturer is dancing around the main question which is: ‘are you vaxxed?’ Instead of asking that basic question which they know many of us will respond with, ‘go pound sand, none of your business’ … instead they ask, ‘Are you ‘able to accomodate.’ In essence the answer is the same:

    • I am not able to ‘accomodate’ a request for vax proof
    • Nor am I willing to ‘accomodate’ anybody demanding information about my health or personal medical procedures

    This appliance manufacturer is testing the waters. Can they get away with demanding vax passport requirements from their service network … or will this demand decimate their warranty service. This is a test. How will this demand effect the bottom line? (Corps always think bottom line first and virtue signal second. Hopefully enough of my fellow PureBloods respond the same to hold them off and send the message.)

    Out of respect for my local community, I will not give them a Yes or No.

    My response is, ‘I am not willing to ‘accomodate’ these requests.’ My meaning being: I am not willing to participate in the division of my community, Provence and country, nor am I willing to reveal my personal health issues to a mindless corporation.

    My business will be changing. Some modified idiot will eventually step into the void created by my unwillingness to participate in this social experiment. Will I survive? Sure. There are still a lot of people (both vaxxed and unvaxxed) who value a 30 yr appliance repairman. I will be fine.

    Good luck to the Modified guy who tries to fill my shoes.

  • The Ever Changing Medical Definitions of Covid

    Follow the science. And when the science changes … follow that too. Whatever you do, don’t question anything. Just follow the science.

    This circular logic is now the standard for those pushing medical tyranny. Lets see what has changed in ‘the science.’

    Influenza Pandemic

    Pandemic used to be:

    An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human
    population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths
    and illness.


    Now a pandemic is:

    An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.


    So an influenza pandemic no longer requires enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses … it just need to something that ‘they’ say people have no immunity against. That makes it easier to fit any illness they choose and call it a pandemic. Handy when you are an unelected and unaccountable organization trying to crush humanity.


    On Sept 1st, 2021 the CDC decided to change the definition of what is considered a vaccine. A vaccine used to be:

    A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.


    Now a vaccine is:

    A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.


    Gone are the requirements that a vaccine will actual work … you know, that little thing that a vax is actually supposed to do? How convenient, especially knowing what we know now that the covid deathjab does not actually produce immunity or protect the person from Covid. Now anything ‘they’ say that ‘stimulates the body immune system’ can be a vax. It does not need to work … they just need to be able to measure some stimulation. This also made it much easier to ban people from society based on a vax that does not actually produce immunity. Again … how convenient.

  • Compelled Speech not Free Speech is Now The Law in Canada

    In one of the strangest rulings I’ve ever heard from our nutty judicial system, a Canadian Judge, tyrant Adam Germain says that people who don’t believe the state must still speak on behalf of the state … or face consequences.

    The Epoch Times

    How this judgement, which flies in the face of every freedom we have as Canadians, has come to be is beyond me. These are the words tyrants usually keep to themselves because they know how terribly wrong they are … but being voiced out loud, by a judge no less!

    From Medium

    This reminds me of the Hans Christian Andersen fable about the Emperor With No Clothes. Everyone, afraid to anger or disagree with the emperor would lie and tell him how wonderful he looked in his ‘new clothes’ even though he was naked.

    This is how I feel about the Covid narrative. Everyone must tow the party line and agree with the politicians/media or the state will get angry and put you in jail.

    The judge said the stuff out loud that most tyrants only think on the inside … and the media and the politicians will solemnly nod their heads and agree that such measures must be taken to stop Covid … even though everyone can see that the vax does not work (at best) as is probably killing many more people than it saves. The truth about the deathjab is easy to see. Simply look at all the highest vaxxed countries and what their Covid rates are at.

  • Discovering Real Food

    From a garden, to chickens to freezer beef, real food is being rediscovered by people who are seeing the need to both shore up their own food supply and live in a more healthy way. Lets take a look at what real food is and how to achieve it no matter where you live.

    Ultimately, real food would be all home produced with no outside input. Your own backyard bounty with your own animal protein and everything in between self contained. This is hard to do. Many items are hard to create on your own.

    • Coffee (ya I know … you can live without caffeine, but why?)
    • Oil. Animal fat will work, but a lot of work
    • Sugar. Honey and Maple syrup good substitutes but labour intensive
    • Flour. Takes both space to grow, labour to harvest and clean and labour to grind

    However, even with these ‘harder’ items, it well within the average acreage homeowner ability to produce all they will eat (minus the coffee.)

    For those not living in the country with space and land, you’ll have to make some compromises using ‘the system’ to supplement what you can produce at home.

  • Why My Family And I Are Not Vaxxed

    This will be my only post explaining why we are not vaxxed.


    I don’t not automatically trust or even believe the political system. Too many lies. Too many promises made. Too many votes for politicians who when it comes to crunch time are nowhere to be found. (Candice Bergan, I’m talking to you.)

    The mainstream media has become part of the political system. ‘Science’ has become part of the political system. ‘Medicine’ is about money, power and politics … and so is also part of the political system. Virtually all we see pushed on mainstream media today is part of the political system. Woke? Political. Global warming? Political. It’s all part of the same system of control and influence that tries to control us. We are under attack from everything mainstream today.

  • This is What Type 1 Diabetics Looks Like

    From a Facebook mom … overwhelmed.

    This is what a ‘normal’ T1D kid looks like as he tries to get his BG (Blood Glucose) up to a normal level so he can participate in a sport. Not looking for sympathy … but this is life for many kids … and many moms. We did