Does Dr. Theresa Tam Work for China or for Canada

Edit 1 Apr 27, 2020:

Since I wrote what you find below, 2 important pieces of information about Tam’s incompetence and her China Communist leanings have come out.  1st a video from 2010 where she explains how to lockdown people (kinda like how China did during their outbreak.)

Original YouTube Video clip is here.  I direct uploaded it for when it gets memory holed. The full movie called “Outbreak” is still up on YouTube here.

Then Rebel News discovered that Tam knew as early as Jan 15, 2020 that transmission was not only possible, but probably from human to human.  For weeks after that she continued to tell us the opposite because that is what China and the WHO wanted to tell us. Check out the Rebel Media Video here:

The evidence is all out in the open:  Both the incompetence and the representing China to Canada (rather than the other way around) are obvious to anyone not blinded by Liberal propaganda.  She has cost many Canadian lives and should be held accountable.


EDIT 2 Apr 28, 2020

Just a quick edit to give a bit of a timeline about the actions of the China controlled WHO and how VERY bad their information has been (listed pulled from Sovereign Man):

December 31: China first notifies WHO of the outbreak

January 5: WHO “does not recommend any specific measures for travellers” and “advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China”

January 23: Even as China begins its lockdown of Wuhan and the virus spreads across Asia, WHO still insists “it is still too early to declare a PHEIC” [Public Health Emergency of International Concern].

January 30: WHO still “does not recommend any travel or trade restriction” and praises the Chinese government’s “commitment to transparency.”

February 27: After many countries began introducing travel restrictions, WHO lamented that these restrictions would lead to “unnecessary interference with international traffic, including negative repercussions on the tourism sector.”

March 11: After more than 100,000 cases in dozens of countries worldwide, WHO finally declares this a global pandemic.

Oh I almost forgot: the WHO is the same organization that made a brutal murderer– former Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe– one of its GOODWILL ambassadors! You can’t make this stuff up.

This is who our ‘top Dr.’ Tam answers to … and who she is so deeply embedded with.  (Killing Canadians!)

Now onto the Original Post.

This week, Derek Sloan, MPP for Hastings-Lennox & Addington, dared ask out loud what many, many Canadians are wondering about in the backs of their minds.

Link to Derek’s Video on Facebook.

The main statement of question is, “Does Dr. Theresa Tam Work for China or for Canada.”

Only in the current Progressive clown world is this a racist statement.  Lets use our brains and a bit of logic/common sense while we look at some facts:

  • China is the origin of COVID-19
  • China has it’s tentacles deep into the WHO (ya, a CNN link … lol.  Even they have questions!)
  • Dr. Tam is a member of WHO and appears to be pretty high up the ladder of authority.
  • Dr. Tam has parroted virtually everything the China and the WHO has said regarding COVID-19 … most of which has been wrong.  Once can only assume Canadians are dead because of her recommendations. 

Notice what you don’t see in this brief history of facts = her race!  

Lets look at it another way.  If her name had been … lets say, Karen Smith … would anyone say it was racist?  If this was said about Justin Trudeau (not a hard stretch at this point,) would it be racist?  Nope.  Only because she is of apparent Asian heritage does this statement become racist in some warped minds. 

Then some of the globalist Liberal SJW’s in the Conservative Party jumped to China/Tam’s aid by taking Trudeau and the Liberal’s side on this question by crying racism.

These are just a few of the CPC members who decided that the best way to deal with one of their own calling out Tam’s obvious allegiance to China was to white knight on social media.  Remember, Social Justice Warriors Always Lie. (Thanks Vox Day.)  Mark these ones … they will be the ones who will hurt the CPC party the most in the future.  Better to find out backstabbing teammates now than after they get into power.

China Tam Track Record

As Derek Sloan said in a recent video, ‘If you have a player on a hockey team and that player scores on your own net, the coach is going to bench that player.  We need to bench Tam.”

Lets take a look at China/Tam’s track record.  Spencer Fernando gave a good breakdown which I will copy here:

Tam, the supposed “expert,” was wrong on everything.

She was wrong on travel bans – something the Liberal government ended up imposing over a month later.

She was wrong on asymptomatic transmission, as it is now well-known that people can transmit the virus without feeling sick.

She was wrong on voluntary quarantine, as the lack of quarantines early on meant that cases in China became cases in Canada. After all, all of Canada’s cases started as imported cases from foreign travel. Now, many of our cases are from ‘community spread,’ but that community spread was seeded by the foreign travel in the first place.

Then, in a stunning moment, Tam expressed her philosophy that viruses are stopped at hospitals, not borders:

“This is a virus. It can cross borders. This is a layer of a multi-layered response. The most important layer, of course, is the initial entry into the health system. We’ve talked a bit about that. At the actual international border, I see it as a great opportunity to absolutely make someone aware of what to do if they’re sick after entry.”

This shows a horrendous lack of basic understanding of what a pandemic is, all the more stunning because understanding this is Tam’s JOB.

After all, the countries that imposed the toughest early border controls and ruthless screening, particularly Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong managed to ‘bend the curve’ with amazing speed, and get things under control.

By letting the virus into the hospitals as Tam proposed, that also means letting it spread throughout the community, and then the country. It also puts health care workers at risk, raising the prospect of a system collapse.

Again, this is all common-sense. If you can stop a virus from getting in, you should do that. And even if you don’t fully stop it at the border, you at least cut back on the number of cases.

I can’t emphasize this enough. There is no reason that I should have to be explaining this to Tam, who is supposed to be the expert.

But she was simply dead wrong at literally every step of the way, showing – and I mean this seriously – far less understanding of the situation than most people on Twitter.

Tam has failed miserably, putting political correctness, and virtue-signalling lecturing ahead of doing her job. She couldn’t grasp the situation in time, and when she grasped the seriousness of it it was far too late to stop it.

Now, it is spreading big time within Canada.

She also flip flopped on masks:

Non-medical masks alone will not prevent #COVID19 spread. You must consistently and strictly adhere to #goodhygiene & #publichealth measures, including frequent #handwashing and #PhysicalDistancing (2 metres). #WashYourHands to be protected.

Later changing her story to:

“Canada’s chief public health officer now says that wearing a non-medical mask can help stop the spread of COVID-19.”

Nearly every step of the way, Tam has parroted Chinese propaganda to Canadians … and the resulting course of action that Canada took has most assuredly caused more people to die in Canada. So the question must be asked:

Does Dr. Theresa Tam Work for China or for Canada?

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