Glenn Greenwald is NOT on Our Side

I’m willing to bet a lot of people 1st got introduced to Glenn today when he was interviewed (very sympathetically) by Tucker Carlson tonight.

I urge people to look into Glenn and what he stands for before you become an advocate of him based on his hissy fit thrown at his own editors. What we have here is a case of the left eating their own. He is NOT a censored Conservative. In fact, Glenn is happy to censor anybody who questions him on his position and has done so liberally for years, especially on Twitter where he blocks anybody who does not agree with him. Welcome to the nightmare you created Glenn.

Politically Glenn is as far left as you can get. His support of radical Islam and terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah give you some idea of how warped his mind is when it comes to deciphering the difference between good and evil.

Greenwald, for all the good he supposedly stands for, supported Killary in her bid to become president in 2016 … apparently because of the ‘pretty colors’ on the white house.

How can anybody who claims to stand on principle against all the wrongs in America support a crime family like the Clintons?

I would suggest his support was based on his depraved lifestyle … which in the end is what drives every waking moment in people like him. It is their religion.

Glenn’s advocacy for sodomy should be a warning to any who are looking at him simply as a ‘decent man done wrong by an evil liberal editor.’ He has contributed in innumerable ways to the decline of the American family and openly attacks our Christian heritage with his own lifestyle. Beware the man that claims to stand for honesty and decency while living a disgusting morally bankrupt life.

This man is not on our side.

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