Listen to the Doctors … Just Not Ones Like This

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From Twitter

Fouci who has gotten every single thing wrong since the beginning of this plandemic … he’s the guy we should listen to. Not the Doc above who has just spent his time curing Covid.

It’s posts like this that the Social Medias have been silencing and the mainstream media will not cover. Why? Why do they want this to continue? It’s gotta be about money and power. Money for the media for sure, and power for unelected, unaccountable little Napoleons who love shedding crocodile tears as they go about killing people with their policies.

Drug companies who don’t have to fear any liability for their products are making a killing … literally.

Money and power are killing people.

This will not be fixed by laws or judges or ‘science.’ They are the ones hoarding the money and power. Stop thinking that a sternly worded letter from a lawyer is going to fix your situation. Stop believing that Marxist judges really have the Canadian people and Constitution in mind when they make rulings. The police will obey their masters … not you. Drug companies are not looking for a cure as they know the cure is already here … and it’s off patent, so no money to be made. They need the fear to continue.

See how it is? None of the people we used to venerate are there to help us. They do not deserve our adoration or even respect. They hate you.

I want to continue down the path of a parallel society. I like my ‘new normal.‘ I think more people should dump ‘the system’ and join us. Do this with me:

  • Homeschool your kids
  • Eat real food that is locally grown or supplied
  • Build your family before you build anything else
  • Turn off your TV’s
  • Delete your Social Media accounts
  • Read instead of watching something
  • Write down what is happening for future generations
  • Read your Bible and goto Church

Do all the things that made us great to begin with. Leave the degeneracy to the degenerates. You don’t need them and are infinitely better off without them.

Make a plan.

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