One World Pandemic = One World Government

If you ever had any doubt about where this pandemic was leading … 

The one factor that always brings me back to thinking that this pandemic was manufactured somewhere as a weapon … or maybe a tool, is how perfectly convenient it is for those pushing control in the form of a borderless, one world government.  Justin Trudeau, Canada’s dreamy leader is a perfect example as he uses the Covid-19 crisis to advance his debt-riddled monetary policy and cede Canada’s national power to the UN.  It’s so easy to see where this is going for Canada. Our country is being sold out from under our own feet …  

So lets looks at others who want to develop this one world government:

1st up, former UK PM Gordon Brown:

Now is the time for global leaders to create one world government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged on Thursday.

This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund needed an increase in their financial firepower to cope with the impact of the crisis on low- and middle-income countries, he said.

Next up, the UN:

United Nations wants 10% of entire planet’s annual income in fund for coronavirus response.

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has announced the creation of a fund for addressing the global coronavirus pandemic – and he is simultaneously asking nations to contribute the equivalent of at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire planet to a massive “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package” that would be administered at the international level.

The proposed plan would effectively place a global agency, presumably the UN itself, in charge of propping up the economies of the world during the coronavirus crisis, placing it in charge of 10% of global income.

Yes, exactly what the world needs: an unelected body controlling and administering money and the world monetary response to this crisis.  

Even more unusual, from the UN Press Release, they seem to want to rebuild the world where women and girls are given priority and the world we have previously known must be rebuilt so gender equality and climate action take priority. 

The report strongly recognizes that women and girls must have a face in the response; and opportunities for
young people, seriously affected, need to be preserved.

The world will be faced with a choice in its recovery. Go back to the world we knew before or deal decisively with
those issues that make everyone unnecessarily vulnerable to this and future crises.
From stronger health systems and fewer people living in extreme poverty to achieving gender equality and taking
climate action for a healthy planet, the report gives hope that lessons from this human crisis can build more just
and resilient societies and deliver on the promise of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

COVID-19 is the greatest test that we have faced together since the formation of the United Nations,” said
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations. “This human crisis demands coordinated, decisive,
inclusive and innovative policy action from the world’s leading economies – and maximum financial and technical support for the poorest and most vulnerable people and countries.

This is the goal of the ruler of this world: to bring everyone on earth into unity against the creator and Savior of this world.  See and understand what is really happening today.  Observe and reflect in the true light of Scripture. 

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