Proverbs for Uncertain Times

The Biblical book of Proverbs is full of instruction for everyday life … 

It also contains instruction for when times are troubled, as we are experiencing now.  There are two Proverbs I would like to highlight in light of Covid-19:

First. Proverbs 27:12

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Prudent = Sensible, Shrewd and Subtle.  Is this you?  Are you looking ahead and seeing the possible paths you might find yourself on?  Are you in the middle of 7 years of excess, but facing 7 years of famine as Joseph was? How prudent have you been in the face of CoronaVirus?  

What is to be our response to forseeing evil?  Hiding.  Prep for those 7 years of famine.  Prep for whatever might come at you.  Keeping your head down and hiding in your place.  This is God’s Word, God’s instruction to us. 

Don’t be Simple … don’t go headlong into danger.  You will be punished.

The 2nd Proverb that seems to apply today is found in the same chapter.

Proverbs 27:1

Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

God is in control.  Your prep won’t save you.  Your TP means nothing. Your pantry, your food stores, your silver stacks are nothing.  All your ‘skillz’ are laughable in the face of God.  Don’t boast in your preparations for rainy days.  You have no clue what is on the horizon, much less what is on your doorstep.  

Prepare, but understand that your prep is NOT what will save you.  God, if He decides to save you, will do so … it is not what you’ve done but what He will do.

Pray.  Trust … His will for us is best.  Always.

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