Seeking Unity

Originally published on January 7, 2022.
Last Updated on February 28, 2024.

We have often heard, especially in Christian circles that unity should be a primary goal of communities and peoples. Should it be?

When a community, a team or an organization has common goals with like-minded people, they are almost unstoppable. But what happens when you create an artificial conglomeration of dissimilar people with a myriad of goals … as we have in Canada today? Further, when you have a substantial portion of the country who absolutely hates anyone who does not agree with them, lets call them progressive, and these people wrestle control from the whole and take over virtually every part of the ruling class … what happens then? They don’t even hide their hatred any longer. Our leader calls us names, and asks, ‘Do we tolerate these people?’ What happens then? Do we still want ‘unity?’

Compromise and a union with the devil.

Christians and good people everywhere have cowed to The Progressives and supported their perversions, their school systems and even voted for them … and what has this achieved? Here in Canada, and evidently throughout the world, we have achieved a ruling class and a ruled class. We compromised our faith and even our God in the names of peace and unity. We believed unity was so important that we joined ourselves to the evil ones and pushed down our own morality and ignored our doubts about them. We stopped promoting the qualities we were known for and in many ways quit the work ethic that created this country. We trusted them and repeated the lie ‘they have our best interest at heart,’ enough times that we almost believed it. But they didn’t. They (like the one they serve,) hated us. They hated our quiet loving ways. They hated our freedom. And most of all they hated our God. They didn’t have our best interests at heart; they only thought of themselves. They wanted to be free to practice their moral depravity in peace. They did not want to be reminded that their behaviour was abhorrent and a sin against God and man. They wanted to be able to pretend He does not exist, as only then could they be ‘free.’

And so they demanded unity. And many of our Christian churches fell for it and joined them.

But is unity with Satan really a Christian goal? Does Scripture ever tell us to join hands with the evil ones in the name of unity? Never. We are told to, ‘Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.’ (Jas 4:7) So now, we are reaping the reward of our ‘unity.’ We have been told to close our churches. We are told where we are not allowed to eat. Even in our own homes we are told with whom and with how many we are allowed to eat. We have been conquered from within. All for ‘Unity.’

Even now I can hear some of you saying, ‘don’t give in, they want us to hate each other.’ Or, ‘We must stand together because when we are divided, they win.’ Really? How has that worked for us? How has standing with people who want our support, but secretly hated us worked for us?

I posit that Gods unity is created through division. We must be divided to stand for Him. Even within our own churches God tells us to ‘not eat’ with certain types of ongoing sinners and to reject those who cause others to doubt or fail. How can we separate from the fornicators of the world on one hand but join with them in unity on the other hand? If nothing else, Covid has shown us who is on which team. The wheat has been separated from the chaff. This is the way it should have been, and God had to allow a lot of sickness and death to show us how far we have strayed from His path for us.

Lets not resist the division. We should embrace it. We should seek the refiners fires knowing that the little troubles we are experiencing will purify us. The gold will be separated from the dross only through the fires of division. We want the division and should do everything we can to help and encourage those who also want to be pure.

So build up each other in our faith. Support those who resist the devil. Create divides that we will not cross. Burn the ships … we have chosen our Leader and will follow Him to the end already knowing, in the end, we (through Him) are the winners.

So much winning.

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