Tyrants: An Election Prediction

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We’ve not kept the wolves from the sheep.

In Canada, it is very clear that the tyrant Trudeau is heading us into an election. The Liberals, when in power have always used public money to fund their campaigns and this time will be no different. Spending and optimism will increase exponentially over the next couple of months as Trudeau uses the summer reprieve from flu season to push the Liberal brand of slavery to the state. (He will give you debt money in exchange for fealty.)

I expect him to call an election while we are in the freedom and optimism of summer … when people have thrown off the shackles of the Covid tyrants and are busy living life again.

Here is my prediction based on observing the tyrant in action:

  • Watch for the election date to be squarely placed in the middle of flu season. Maybe late November or late January or February.
  • Then, as people are looking forward to voting again, the Covid variant fears will be pushed on us by the state media and the unelected ‘heath’ overlords.
  • Annnnnnd … lockdowns. Lockdowns are now a key tool in the tyrants toolbox. Trudeau loves lockdowns. He will push this through to the provinces and the little Anti-Christs will do his bidding.
  • Lockdowns = cancelled elections. Watch for it.

Trudeau will maintain his power over us using Covid as the excuse to not hold elections. Further, I fully expect that those of us who remain experiment-free (unjabbed) will be blamed and sanctioned for both Covid and the cancelling of elections. Every tyrant needs a boogieman to point at to distract from his evil ways. The antagonism against the Christian right (primarily those who have rejected the jab,) will ramp up and the state and its useful idiots will rage and roar against us.

Knowing that we are going to be under attack, we need to prepare both mentally and physically now.

  • Build your health up.
  • Eat real food. This means gardening, canning and your own meat.
  • Work on your relationships, especially with family.
  • Find and build your tribe. Family groups will survive … the lone wolf will be overwhelmed.
  • Shorten supply chains.
  • Build up your faith = read and know God’s Word. Support the faith of those around you.

So this is my prediction:

  1. Election called for during flu season
  2. Covid fear ramped up again
  3. Election cancelled
  4. Oppression of Christians increases

Remember: We are aligned with the One who will win this war in the end. In fact the war was already won on the cross and when Jesus comes again, He will put all this nonsense under His feet. What a day that will be!

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