What is Happening in Ukraine

Originally published on February 28, 2022.
Last Updated on February 28, 2024.

It’s hard to know what is really happening in the Ukraine. What is the truth? What is propaganda? Who is lying and who is telling the truth? We can’t be sure of anything.

So what to think?

These are some of the things I’ve been thinking about:

  • Who is supporting which side in this ‘war?’
  • What is the MSM telling us
  • What are local streamers telling us

Lets take a look at who is supporting Ukraine

From Twitter

It seems every Satanic enemy of Christ, liberty and indeed all humanity has aligned themselves with Ukraine. Why? We know it is not a love for the Ukrainian people or because they are a ‘sovereign nation’ (when has that ever stopped them.) So what is it? Might it be that the leaders of Ukraine are hand in fist with people like Trudeau, Biden and Soros? Is it possible that the country is so riddled with corruption that all the corrupt people of the world need to defend it to keep the money (and probably children) flowing?

What we do know is that these people have been on the opposite side of the truth in every other conflict for years. Either they have caused the conflict, profited from it or hurt their potential enemies through it.

Their Satanic desire to destroy anything good, true or beautiful is well documented. Just last week we could see the demon in Chrystia Freeland jumping and twitching as she stood by her boss while he invoked Martial Law here in Canada.

If you thought that was strange, you can watch 9 minutes of Twitchy in action here.

These people are sick … actually no, that’s not right. They are possessed.

These people are not our friends. They are not on our side. Our objectives have not come together in some mysterious twist of fate to where we join hands with them in support of anything. Beware the side they have chosen.

Mainstream Media

Here in Canada, we’ve just gone through a very enlightening and eye opening experience with our mainstream media. The events over the past two weeks surrounding the Trucker Convoy and the events in Ottawa have revealed much about our governments and our media. Lets look at the events in Ukraine based on our recent experience with the mainstream media here in Canada.

During the Trucker Convoy, the media lied about virtually every major event that happened both along the way and in Ottawa. They lied both in the words spoken and images they used and just as telling, in the things they omitted. Almost every report, every opinion and every declaration was a lie. From calling the protests violent, to calling the tens of thousands of Canadians who supported the convoy racists, white-supremacist’s and even driven by Russian influence = all untrue. All laughably untrue really. Yet with straight face they repeated these lies over and over again … and discussed them as if they were facts. It was all made up.

So now lets apply our experience with the Convoy to what the MSM is telling us about the players and events in Ukraine.

Already people are pointing out the made up nonsense being passed off as factual about the ‘war’ in the Ukraine.

If war is happening the way the media wants us to believe it is happening, why all the fakes?? Why not use real footage of the ‘carnage’ and deaths? Other things the media is telling us:

  • Putin is the aggressor and started the ‘war.’
  • The Ukrainian army has killed many Russian solders and shot down many planes … but no video?
  • That the Ukrainian president is armed and fighting on the ground. Except all they’ve shown us are some old photo’s from 2020. Is he even still in the Ukraine?

With our recent experience with a lying Mainstream Media and the plethora of fakes photos and fake news they are feeding us … is anything they report true? If we choose to learn from recent history, we would have to say No.

Local Streamers

It just so happens that our family has followed a couple of guys who do YouTube videos from the Ukraine and other parts of the former Soviet Union. We used to enjoy their travelogue type films showing how things have changed since the fall of communism there. And it just so happens these guys are streaming from Kiev.

First. This is what we are being shown and told:

From Twitter

Now watch Johnny FD and Bald and Bankrupt. It’s long … but they basically wander around downtown Kiev showing things tense, but not a ‘war zone.’ Also some grocery shopping and visiting with reporters who are there to film the ‘war.’

Neither of these guys are particularly based. They are jabbers and generally follow the rules. But they are not seeing what we are being told is happening in Kiev. I haven’t searched for other streamers, but I’m sure there are more. On the ground streamers are who told us the truth in Ottawa. These guys appear to be doing the same thing in Kiev.

Finally. One last point that I have learned more about since beginning this post.

Western Ukraine has been bombing and destroying Eastern Ukraine for over 7 years. They have been killing civilians, bombing infrastructure and generally destroying life for those living there. For all intents and purposes it looks like a genocide. What else would you call a country shelling it’s own people? So now we are being told to side with a leadership who, for 7 yrs, has been doing what they are accusing Russia of doing? Not sure I want to join that team. Also … fishy.

For a detailed 1st hand written experience about American interference and the shelling of Eastern Ukraine by ‘the good guys’, please spend some time reading this excellent post:

Click on headline for full Interview

For me things are just not adding up. Too many lies. Too much propaganda from people who hate all good people everywhere. People I trust are painting a different picture.

Things are not as they want us to believe in Ukraine. That is all I know for sure.

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