• Stocking Up

    We live in a time where if you follow what the politicians tell you to do, you are endangering your own life. In the past, the elites really didn’t care if we lived or died. ‘Let them eat cake,’ betrayed how out of touch the government was with the common people. Now they just want you dead.

    The most telling line in the lie above is ‘there is no need to buy more than you normally would.’ Just a gentle pat on the head telling you to go quietly and give in to the inevitable. If you will just die quietly, without causing any sort of panic, we would appreciate it. Thank you.

    There is a reason why Joseph was instructed of God to build granaries and to stock up for the coming famine. There is a reason why the virgins who stocked up on oil were called wise while those who ‘bought no more than they normally would’ were called foolish. Be like Joseph. Be wise.

    I’ve recently seen some Christians parroting a similar line, saying that it is wrong for us to stock up because not everybody has the money to stock up, so if we buy more than normal, when the famine comes the poor will not have anything left to buy. Again. Wrong. If you want to provide charity to the poor (or foolish,) that is your decision as guided by God. When you make that a rule for other Christians, or a use it as a way to virtue signal, you are putting others under your law and creating discord among Christians. Further, when the time comes, you will not be able to help your precious poor (foolish) anyway, because you were foolish yourself. This line of thinking just leaves me shaking my head.

    Stores may limit the amount of certain items you can buy. That is fine. That is their prerogative. But there is no need to obey a politician who is lying to you and telling you that ‘everything will be OK’ while on the other hand that same politician is stirring the waters of war, illness and death.

    Be wise. See the times we are living in. Care for your family. Even prepare for your foolish friends. But whatever you do, do NOT blindly listen to those that hate you. They serve the fallen one. Do not go with them into the fire.

  • Modern vs Quality

    One of these stoves comes with a 1 year warranty and will likely require at least 1 major repair within 5 years.

    The other one you could warranty for 100 yrs and not have a single claim.

    Inspired by AJP Tweet

  • The New Normal

    Canoeing the Pembina in October

    Friday Night:

    • Campfire at home
    • Reading a book and enjoying the stars with my boy
    • Went to bed early. 8 hours of sleep


    • Worked on my business for a couple hours in the morning
    • Bought a used Canoe
    • Packed up the truck and went to a local historical park
    • There we met up with 5 other PureBlood families and their kids, somewhere around 25 people … all pure
    • Had a roaring campfire
    • Roasted weenies and shared deserts and salads
    • Enjoyed the company of sane people – adults visited – kids roamed the woods
    • Bed by 10 PM. 8 hours of sleep


    • Home church
    • Loaded up the Canoe and headed off with my boy
    • Canoed the Pembina River for several hours
    • Explored an abandoned house
    • Picked up supper from a local restaurant who does not discriminate against the unvaxxed
    • Home by 7
    • Watched an hour of YouTube about a Canadian Explorer in Newfoundland with the kids
    • Bed by 9:30. 8 hours of sleep

    What I didn’t have was:

    • Masking
    • Social distancing
    • Threats or extreme fear porn from satanic TV or mainstream news
    • Conditioning from Manitoba politicians or ‘top docs’ or any ‘Covid Updates’
    • No Pedo Hollywood movies promoting sodomy, gender dysphoria or any other deviancy
    • Social media dopamine addiction (I don’t have social media on my phone anymore)
    • Shopping or eating at gov approved big box stores or chains

    If this is the New Normal … I’m all for it. We should never have taken part in the other ‘normal’ anyway.

  • Doing it Soviet Style

    This is what is currently happening in Lithuania. The 80’s are calling and they want their cold War back.

    Seriously, how far away from this are we here in Canada? With the vax passport becoming the only way to enter many places of commerce, and often to simply hold a job … and the underground black market for food and services developing, how long before impromptu markets start springing up in back alleys of Canadian cities?

    I guess the bigger question … is this a bad thing?

    What if … not having a vax passport meant that instead of supporting stupid big chain stores like Walmart and Superstore where 80% of the ‘food’ is garbage, we instead had to turn to local farmers, green grocers and back alley markets?

    What if you got to know your local cow farmer and discovered that he needed baby sitting 3 days a week, or needed help with homeschooling … and you were able to help in exchange for freezer beef?

    Or maybe your local farmer is offering ‘shares’ in next years crop … and you got in now future proofing your food supply.

    There are a lot of positives that could come from going at it ‘Soviet style’ and they too survived the cold war just as we did.

  • Be Like Ragnar: Legend

    Ragnar Jonsson would often disappear into the woods for years at a time. In 1946, he arrived at the Brochet Trading Post to PU his mail and was amazed to discover that WW2 had happened while he was off in the woods. Legend!

    I confess, there are many times over the past year that I had dreamt of heading off into the northern woods and just escaping the stain on history that is Covid19. Escape the tyranny. Escape ‘science.’ Escape the minute by minute, even second by second updates and ‘YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS’ that everyone is vacuuming up and spitting out at each other.

    I found Ragnar in a book about Canoeing Manitoba. (Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba by Hap Wilson and Stephany Aykroyd.) Great book BTW. Not sure how I can just disappear for years at a time, but a few days in the woods might be a good start. Stay tuned.

  • Facebook Is a Cesspool

    I just spent 5 mins browsing on my wifes Facebook account tonight. It was enough to remind me why I dumped that garbage site almost a year ago.

    I waded through:

    • FB ‘fact checking’ after almost every post
    • Know-it-all professional Libtards spouting CBC and CNN as if it were the Bible
    • People who hate God and attack Christians in almost every post


    From Facebook

    This was a typical thread. Somebody posts some meme that is innocuous and well meaning. Then the A-holes jump in and tear down the meme and anybody who dared post or agree with it.

    30 seconds on this ‘Bill Tiessen’ Facebook account showed that he is at best a dim bulb, (very antisocial, know-it-all parroting what he hears on CBC and CNN) who hates Christians and Christ deeply, but is perfectly willing to use his warped view of love and God to try to discredit God’s people. He is the type of professional idiot that made me dump Facebook to begin with … just reading his smug garbage gave me flashbacks.

    Facebook promotes the worst kind of divisionary garbage and is the primary tool of those who hate Canada and want to tear us apart.

    Glad I’m gone … won’t be back.

  • No One Is Coming to Save You

    For those of us who are Christians, we rest in the absolute knowledge that Jesus is coming back and will crush … absolutely crush our enemies. Until He comes, no one is coming to save you!

    • Voting harder? Nope. Politicians are why we are in the trouble we are in.
    • The right President? We already had that … and he did nothing for us.
    • The common people will rise up? No, the common people are busy getting jabbed.
    • The courts? Where were they when the election fraud happened? Where are they now that our civil liberties have been removed? You are simply a product to be controlled. The law and lawyers will not save you.
    • The police … the Army, etc? Laughable. They are the jackboots that will stomp you out on behalf of the state.

    No … you will have to save yourself.

    • Start small if you have to, even just a few extra cans of food on your next expedition to Walmart. (This is the only reason you should be going to Walmart!)
    • Read a book on gardening or on Home Health Care.
    • Eat real food for a week. Nothing processed. Get used to real cooking again.
    • Walk 1 mile per day for a week.
    • Store some big jugs of water in a closet.
    • Plan for how to stay warm this coming winter.
    • Flip the main breaker in your electrical panel and leave it off for 24 hours. Observe. How did you and your family do? What went well? What needs fixing?

    Think of every little thing you do to prepare yourself as building up credits in a game. When you get enough credits, you get to level up. Once you level up a couple times, you actually get good at the game and it becomes easier. That’s how it works.

    Start today.

    Credit to Phil at bustednuckles.com for inspiration for this post.

  • As Someone Who Values Privacy …

    I am pseudo-anon here on my site. The people who know me in real life, a few know who I am and where I live, but for the most part I’m anon here. It’s good to have some privacy. I know I’ve dropped enough hints here and elsewhere for anyone who cares enough, to figure out who I am and where I live. At this point I don’t pretend that I have any sort of privacy online … ‘they’ already know who I am and where to find me.

    Tonight I discovered that someone I’ve followed pretty close for a long time is not completely who he says he is … and has set up a whole persona that involves creating a storyline about his life and even the country where he lives = not Italy. Wow.

    At first I thought = cool! He really has this internet thing figured out. Write what you want, live your life and the vast majority of people just believe you and go along with the story. But then the darker part of my mind kicked in and I began to ask, if he has created this part of his life, what else has he created? But as I considered the matter, I came to the conclusion: really, who cares …

    In the long run, it does not matter. He is doing his thing there (not Italy) and I’m doing my thing here. And while we share a few ideologies (if he and I are both being truthful about those things,) we will never have more than the equivalent of ships passing in the night contact. Good on ya sir … hats off.

  • Move to the Country, Grow Your Own Food, Watch Babylon Burn

    Wisdom from my fellow Canadians on Social Galactic

    As we see the system of the world falling apart … America in decline … the rise of evil and Satanic rulers, there is one piece of very good advice:

    My fellow Canadian, Spectator said it best:

    Move to the country, grow your own food and watch Babylon burn. Burn baby burn!

    Yes … there is work involved and you will have to overcome some fear of the unknown. It won’t always go smooth, but if you take the plunge … in a couple of years, you will declare how you should have done it sooner and how much you regret staying in the system for so long. That is how we feel for sure.

    One other point. Don’t fool yourself into believing you are doing the right thing by waiting for some arbitrary event or condition to come along. That is all fear talk. You will never have ‘enough’ money saved up. Your kids/wife/family will never ‘come around’ to your way of thinking. You need to just give’er. Just get it done.

    Finally, you don’t need anywhere near the size that ‘they’ say you need to build a farm. I’m on 1 acre and I believe that it is enough land for me to support my 4 person family. I’m not anywhere near completely set up the way I want yet, but when I’m done, I expect to be self sufficient and off grid. My plan includes an eventual pond with ducks, a few goats (maybe next year,) and more raised beds where we currently have driveway. We’ve already got the chickens, bees, fruit trees and garden sorted out. You DON’T need a huge space! And once you are busy setting up your country life, the fact that Babylon is burning will mean nothing to you. Just do it!

  • You Never Know When It Will Be The Last Time

    Reviewing the last time Pink Floyd played together at Live 8 in 2005 … which was 24 yrs since they had last played together. I think we all thought this would be the beginning of many reunion concerts … but it was the last.

    A group of old men. All we have left are grainy photos. Richard Wright is gone and Syd before him.

    The ‘last supper’ was probably just ‘supper’ to the disciples. I suspect only Jesus understood it would be their last meal together.

    When were you last together with your family … your friends of many years … your parents? What will tomorrow bring?

    Humans have the ability to believe that, as we are now, will go on forever. Little do we think, however things stay the same = nothing really stays the same. Nothing is forever. We are constantly changing and evolving or growing old.

    I’m coming up on a big milestone, a big number anniversary with my wife (30 yrs together …) When I look back, I don’t think I ever contemplated 30 yrs later. I never thought about where we would be now and what our lives would look like … or the kids that would be a major part of our lives. Yet, by the grace of God, here we are!

    You can try to plan life, but like in battle, few plans survive real world contact. Generally speaking, 30 years later, I’m in a good place and I have gathered a nice set of experiences. The path taken to get to this point was convoluted and twisting, but looking back I can see the hand of God each step of the way. He was molding me and placing opportunities in my path while blocking other doors. And yet … even though I can see His care and guidance, I’m still pretending I’m in control.

    An opportunity has come into my life that requires trust of others and a bunch of money. Once again I’ve spent 95% of my time thinking, planning and pretending it’s my decision … and about 1% in prayer about it. (Ya … I’m missing 4%. Call it a rounding error.)

    This time. This time I’m going to try to simply put shoes on my feet and take my staff in hand and see what my Father has in store for me.

    And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’S passover.

    Exodus 12:11.

    This post has kinda morphed as I wrote it. Originally it was about not knowing when will be the last time for something, but it ended with, even if it is the last time, it’s because God is in control … and He knows best. Christian readers will understand this. If you do not know God, you should give Him a try. The peace is amazing!