Being on the Right Side of History
It’s simple. Defend the innocent. Everything else is nuance or details.
I stand arm-in-arm with those who have decided to place themselves between the defenseless innocent people of Canada and those who demand medical tyranny … or else. This is the right thing to do. This is honourable. And this is the right side of history.
Most Canadians just want to live quiet peaceable lives. “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.” (1 Tim 2:2,3) They want to raise their children in the fear of the Lord, not in the fear of the state.
As I type this the Government of Canada is raiding protestors in downtown Ottawa … in full paramilitary gear, with guns drawn. The state is crushing the citizens.
The time has come to choose your side. Either stand with the hammer of the state … or with the people who are quietly and peacefully facing them. Nurse Nagle just said it best on the front line:
I’m not scared of you, I’m just sad.
Heard on Winnipeg Alternative Media live feed
Alvin macdonald
I saw on a different blog what needs to be the next step…. simply go home. And do NOTHING. No fines, arrests, frozen accounts. And no delivery of food,fuel ect
So just quit? Or do you mean a general strike?