Why Many People No Longer Trust Mainstream Health Care
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From @PatrioticTrauma on Twitter:
Has anyone else encountered this criminal rule I’m about to describe. The other night I was on call, and a patient up on the floor was having a severe asthma attack. He has known severe asthma. He was admitted for an orthopedic injury after a fall.
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1/ He had incidentally been tested + for covid on admission, but had been vaxed before and had no symptoms of covid. My resident ordered a duoneb (a nebulizer treatment for asthma). I was immediately told by nurses and RTs that was not allowed b/c the patient “has covid”.
2/ I didn’t believe them. I asked, “let me get this straight. for the last 18 months you have not been administering nebulized breathing treatments or bipap to covid patients, perhaps the patients that would need it the most!!” The answer I got was “correct.”
3/ I got upset, insisted on reaching the physician admin whose in charge of the committees who make these rules, & I reached her in middle of night and explained “this man may die b/c of an outrageous rule and that I, the physician at bedside thinks this is clinically indicated.”
4/ I would categorize as malpractice! I also said “so if y’all actually believe this vaccine works, you are choosing believing a pcr test with a known false positive rate, and based on this test you are withholding treatment to a patient that is having an asthma attack.”
5/ Furthermore they’ve been withholding these treatments to c19 patients. I’m outraged to have found this out. After I spoke to the admin, she let me give the albuterol, but she did say that they’re removing this rule soon anyway. I told her it was 18 months too late.
6/ I don’t think people understand that docs have no power. At least the docs who want to do right things. I had to fight to get an albuterol neb. I happened to be there. I had to fight back & get permission from another doc admin to do a normal thing & treat a patient w/ asthma.7/7
As we see more and more of this, people will continue to lose confidence in our health care system. For some things, this might be good = we need to take better care of ourselves without relying on pills for everything. However, for other health issues, this misstrust will hurt or even kill people. In many ways our health care system has turned into a giant money sucking business anyway. I don’t mean that there are not great docs and nurses … many, probably most are in health care for the right reasons, but those that rule over them and who hold the purse strings are pure evil and are driving the system into the ground.
The best answer to this is from a popular ‘What If’ meme going around:
What if instead of running straight to the doctor, you started looking into other healing modalities that focused on the cause instead of the symptoms?
We must take back control of our own health and health care.